Author Topic: Soy and gyne  (Read 1948 times)

Offline skyhawk

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A while back there was a post concerning soy consumption and gyne. Some people thought soy's claimed hormonal effects were BS, while others were aware of the problems associated with soy.

If you want to avoid soy protien you will probably starve. Here in the states its in EVERYTHING. Americans consume large quantities of soy without realizing it because it is prossesed into so much food.

Skeptical? Just try to avoid it by reading labels. Nature Valley granola bars? Forget it, its made with soy. Balance bars and most nutrition bars? They got it too. Maybe ensure or slim-Fast drinks? Sorry, they are loaded with soy protien Isolate.

And that fast food lunch you just ate. It was fried in hydrogenated soybean oil. So instead you fix a sandwich at home only to discover soy products in your bread.

So does soy cause gyne with its estrogen like activity? I can't say for sure. But I can say this. If you avoid soy you stand to lose weight cause you won't have much available to eat.

Offline sadgyneguy

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i love eating soybean curd as a source of protein. can it be the problem that my gyne doesnt disappear even I already had 3 operations? some sites I saw on google said that it can cause gyne while some site says it can't.
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cody sockeye

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i love eating soybean curd as a source of protein. can it be the problem that my gyne doesnt disappear even I already had 3 operations? some sites I saw on google said that it can cause gyne while some site says it can't.

3 operations??? lemme guess. u got just lypo w/o excision

Offline sadgyneguy

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yes 3 lipos no excision. my doctor promised excision, but didnt do it on my surgery. even the revision was just a lipo only.  :'(


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