Author Topic: Advice please fellas  (Read 2461 times)

Offline stevo_333

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My GP has told me I need surgery, and I was wondering whether it would be best to get it done via the NHS or to take out a loan (im a student so can't afford it without one) and get it done privately.

Obviously I would rather get it free on the NHS, but have heard so many stories of people having to wait over a year to get it done, and not being happy with the results.

So basically two questions...

1) Is there anyone here who has had surgery on the NHS, and were the results ok?


2) Is there anyone here on the NHS waiting list or who has had surgery on the NHS and how long were you on a waiting list for?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Cheers

Offline TommyA

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I think it depends on the area you are in. I think what is common is that sometimes you will be referred to a plastic surgeon and when you have the consultation unless you have a really severe case they will do their best to put you off the surgery by exagerrating what the scars will be like or the risks of it being concave and worse than before. And waiting lists can be year long or alot less. I think the best thing is to go and see them but dont be fobbed off by them. If you are a student you could attempt to get it done as a resident of the place you are at college or at your parents house if either consultant you are not happy with. I was going to get it done on the NHS at Uni then pulled out as was not happy with their procedure and how old the surgeon was so went to see the doctor at home and saw a much better one - the result was an improvement but not great (did not take enough away) and am thinking of getting it done again - privately this time as dont want to do this a third time

You dont't have much control over the choice of surgeon and I personally think if you have any doubts about them (e.g. they have not done many or cant show you before and after photos)  - it is better to take a loan out and get it done privately with the best sugeon you can find in the UK with the confidence you will have better odds of getting top class work done, scheduled when you want. If you spread the cost over 10 years (about £1 a day) it is worth the 4k to get rid of them.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2007, 11:32:53 AM by TommyA »

Offline equium

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took me a yr from seeing my GP to having the op last week under the NHS. I was very happy with my surgeon,didnt have before and after pics (i didnt ask for them though, cos everyone's different so pics felt irrelevant to me - but that's my opinion, i can understand why some may want to see pics). It's a waiting game now to see how good the results are, i had lypo only so im assuming a fair chunk of my chest is swelling/scar tissue at the mo.

If you want treatment under the NHS, be ready to fight tooth and nail against you Primary Care Trust for funding. Considering there are so many people not getting potentially life saving/prolonging drugs like herceptin because of funding issues, i feel a bit guilty having a £3000-4000 procedure done under the NHS in hind sight.

Offline Almeda24

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I waited 7 months approx. only got it done last week, not too happy with the results, an improvement but still a bit to go. good luck with the plastic surgeon and convincing them to take you. be prepared to fight your case. I dont feel guilty at all, may as well get something back from all the tax and N.I I pay!

Offline outertrial

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If you want treatment under the NHS, be ready to fight tooth and nail against you Primary Care Trust for funding. Considering there are so many people not getting potentially life saving/prolonging drugs like herceptin because of funding issues, i feel a bit guilty having a £3000-4000 procedure done under the NHS in hind sight.

Dont feel guilty, its a procedure you were entitled to, we all are except most of us find it impossible to actually get it done. Why should you feel guilty when theres massively obese people smoking their way through 40 fags a day and then getting heart operations done for thousands, and then they dont even change their life styles. Grrr.

Offline stevo_333

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Thanks for the advice guys. I think i'm going to go private and see Dr. Baranski in Poland, as he seems to know what he's doing, and is pretty cheap by comparison to some of the others.


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