Author Topic: Vaser Liposelection  (Read 3095 times)

Offline MrJason

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Hey all.  I'm new here.  I'm 28, and have recently lost 72 pounds, now weighing 203 at 5'8".  I've had gyne since puberty, even when I was a thin athlete in college weighing 155 pounds.  I finally decided to have the surgery.  My doc, who from all indications is a top expert in his field, suggests Vaser liposelection (ultrasound lipo) because he says my gyne is mostly fat, and would rather not do a more invasive surgery with lots of scarring.  My gyne is probably mid-level...not too bad, but not mild.  I read all the things on here about people not liking lipo only, and called the doc.  He said if the lipo does not remove the "bud" or hard mass under the nipple he will make an incision around the nipple and remove the hard mass, at no extra charge.  He really doesn't think I need more than that.  Does this sound okay?  I'm so frickin' nervous and would appreciate some advise from people, especially people who have used liposelection.

Offline skyhawk

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I recently looked into Vaser and learned about it. Vaser is a 3rd generation ultrasonic device. I emailed Dr. Delgado and asked if there is any advantage to using Vaser. His reply: "Its not the instrument, but the skill of the Surgeon."

Concerning excision: I have been on these boards for about a year, and rarely if ever, is someone satisfied with lipo only. There is a reason for this. Dr. Bermant has explained it well in his posts citing that almost always gland is present. 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% or whatever gland to fat ratio. Almost never is the gyne pure fat content according to the experts.   Dr. Wiener also explained to me that "even if there is no hard bud, there is the presence of diffuse strands of gland thruought the fatty tissues. This gland does not suction well and must be excised."  I have witnessed a trend where patients are being told by doctors that their gyne is pure fat and recieve lipo only. Almost all these patients have to have revisions.

You are doing the right thing hanging out on these boards. Heeding the advice of those who have "Been there and done that" will save you thousands of dollars and endless frustration.

Good luck. No, I take that back. Its not a matter of luck. Its a matter of doing your homework, and making an informed decision.


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