Author Topic: Any weekend plans?  (Read 1575 times)


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Anything special planned for the weekend?

I'm going to start cooking here in a minute. I'll prepare enough food for the whole weekend. 😋

A friend might come over for dinner Sunday night.😉
I'm sure that will be interesting.
I'm not going to hide myself in the least.
He already knows I wear a bra, and why. He used to be my CNA that gave me showers, so he has seen my breasts.

He called and asked if I minded if he came to visit.
Uneventful dinner night. 🤔
Ate, talked, and played Wii bowling. 
My blouse wasn't a problem at all, and he already knew pretty much since before my likely gender. 
I didn't have to tell him anything, and my outfit just confirmed his suspicions. 
We are doing this again soon. 😉

Offline Evolver

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Well this weekend is done and dusted. We flew back from CNS to MEL on Saturday, picked up the car, drove 2.5 hours home, stopped on the way at Maccas for dinner, cursed the cold weather, got home, did a load of washing, caught up with some email etc., confirmed plans for the next day with son and DIL, crashed into bed around 11pm. Then we were up early, got organized, picked up said son and DIL and drove to my elderly parents another 2 hours away for lunch. Stayed way too long and bought junk food for dinner again. Eventually parked my ass in front of the TV and watched the footy replay and fell asleep on the couch. Day off today (Monday), slept in, then shopped and ran errands. Back to work tomorrow after my week off and currently feeling a bit cranky. Not looking forward to 4:55am alarm. :(

Next weekend, I think I'll just get drunk!


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Well this weekend is done and dusted. We flew back from CNS to MEL on Saturday, picked up the car, drove 2.5 hours home, stopped on the way at Maccas for dinner, cursed the cold weather, got home, did a load of washing, caught up with some email etc., confirmed plans for the next day with son and DIL, crashed into bed around 11pm. Then we were up early, got organized, picked up said son and DIL and drove to my elderly parents another 2 hours away for lunch. Stayed way too long and bought junk food for dinner again. Eventually parked my ass in front of the TV and watched the footy replay and fell asleep on the couch. Day off today (Monday), slept in, then shopped and ran errands. Back to work tomorrow after my week off and currently feeling a bit cranky. Not looking forward to 4:55am alarm. :(

Next weekend, I think I'll just get drunk!
I have just the stuff in my freezer for that, Moonshine!

Offline WPW717

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Ah, the dreaded re-entry phenomena 

Always had that after returning from a long time off
I sympathize 
Regards, Bob 
Regards, Bob


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My electric wheelchair is down for the count so I really can't go anywhere unless someone takes me. 
Of course, my favorite transportation source will not be working this weekend and she will be off with family.
It looks like I will be home all weekend. 

Maybe one of my neighbors might come by and we'll go up and shoot some pool, or I'll roll out to the lobby for a bit. 
I have another plant to splice as well, and it might be ready for a go. 
I also have several bras that are too small now so I might be sewing. I'll add a bit of band to each one so I can finish wearing them out. 
I'll find something to keep me busy. 

Offline taxmapper

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Went to an SCA event. 

Needed it badly. 

I was ruffling feathers and about to leave bodies behind. 

Its fine.. 
Ime fine.. 
Everything is fine...


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Offline Justagirl💃

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Started my weekend with a balayage:
« Last Edit: September 22, 2023, 02:12:05 PM by Justagirl💃 »
When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Offline Evolver

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For me, this upcoming weekend will be a thorough cleaning of the bedroom.  Nothing like pulling out night stands and chest of drawers to vacuum and clean. 
Redfox 🦊

Offline Justagirl💃

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Another shopping excursion for me. I'll hit the clearance racks and look for something cute. 

Offline taxmapper

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This coming weekend will prob. be both chores and more excursions into BLM land. 

(Bureau of Land Management)

More pics hopefully. 

Offline oldguy

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My wife and I are heading to our 50th University reunion and football game.  Doesn't seem that long ago to us.  Perhaps 25 or so.  

Offline benusa

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Hope you have a wonderful time.


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