mmm, maybe. me, i don't miss the days of agonizing over whether i could afford four rolls of film for a trip, deciding to skip shots i should have taken, tearing my hair out when a beautiful shot got a crappy development.
in fact i don't even miss the days when i had a "huge" 128M card for my camera. photography just was not meant to be the exclusive province of those with hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars to pour into a private darkroom.
the fact is i now get way better shots than i used to. in fact some of mine - imho - rival magazine quality of years ago just because of the advantages they enjoy. if the price to be paid is that anyone can take decent stuff if they put an ounce of effort into it, i accept.
the only thing i miss about film is the better light range. that's it. for i'm willing to make the trade.