Author Topic: Back to work.  (Read 6023 times)

Offline Paa_Paw

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April 8, after weeks of cardiac studies to be sure I would wake up from the general anaesthesia,  I had a total knee replacement.  The surgery went well, but the recovery was a very bad joke. 

I woke up with my leg already in a Constant Passive Motion Machine. (CPM)  Oh!  I had no idea a person could have that much pain and remain conscious.  They had a morphine pump in my IV so we'll see.  As is not uncommon in older patients, the damn thing worked too well and I wound up overdosed with morphine.  That meant I was unable to actively participate in my own therapy for a day, but after 4 days I was on my way to rehab.
There was a misunderstanding, The rehab center thought I was there because of immobility due to my legs so the put me on an upper body exercise regimen and they ignored the need to exercise my legs.  Doing flex-ion and extension exercises was entirely up to me with the help of my wife.  In any case, I saw the Dr . after eight days and he said I had exceeded  his expectations so I could go home early.  I was scheduled to be there for two weeks.  The day after I got home, I folded up and put away my Walker.  The Physical therapist who stopped at the house said she would bring me a cane.  By the time she came back three days later, I did not need the cane.  Four weeks after surgery, the Therapist and I took a walk around the block, almost a mile.
Three days later, I was back at work.
I am not going to lie to anyone, the flexing exercises still hurt.  Going up and down stairs will take a while to be comfortable, actually that still hurts too.  I still need pain killers at night to get to sleep but I get by during the day with OTC analgesics.  I feel fortunate.
Grandpa Dan


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Been there twice as you know having both knees replaced! Sorry to hear that things didn't go so so well at first, but it sounds like you are doing much better now! Still take it easy and really be careful in the steps, and remember, no kneeling on the prosthetic knee, you'll feel pain that you wouldn't want you feel again!

Offline Paa_Paw

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It is Sunday night,  I have not taken a pain killer since Thursday night.  Friday made 5 weeks.  The visiting Nurse came today and that is her last visit as I have no need of her.  Last Tuesday was the last day for a visiting Physical Therapist.     In spite of some problems, healing is going well. 


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Good to hear! I've been out of town myself, went to Wyoming to help my youngest son get moved out and do some work on the old place to get his deposit back! Debbie and I spent 5 days there and had a great time even though it was hard work. On Sunday I said my support hose needed support! 

Offline Paa_Paw

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I am back at work, but that does not mean I am very productive.  Some things are just too difficult for now.  I actually did some work in an upstairs apartment today.  Stairs are still one at a timeleading with the good leg going up and leading with the weak leg going down.  I am forcing myself to take at least a few steps normally, but in honesty, I am mostly using my arms and the railings.  It is improving, but it will take time. 
I rally hate the opioid pain kilers , I do not like the way they mess with a person's mind.  I weaned myself down to half tablets and now need only that once in a while.    I am using less pain killers now than I did prior to the surgery. 


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Hang in there Dan, it gets better!


Offline Paa_Paw

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Just prior to surgery, my Hemoglobin, RBC, and Platelet counts all were low.  Not enough to delay the surgery, but enough to have a unit of Packed red cells and a unit of platelets on hand for the surgery.  They were not needed but now I am having periods of light headedness.   I have an appointment now to see a Hematologist.    Like as if I didn't already have enough Doctors on the payroll. 
It is amusing, the spell checker I have keeps trying to make me use the Britist spelling of words like Hematology - Haematology and Gynecomatia - Gynaecomastia.


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My 2nd knee replacement I needed to get 1 unit of blood and had a few problems while I was in the hospital with recovery which caused me to stay in a couple days longer than the 1st replacement. I did go right home afterwards instead of after care as Debbie took vacation and our home is partly handicap accessible.

I have trouble with auto correct not spell check as I'm on a smart phone, so I  need to be careful and proof read.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Check up today with the surgeon.   So far all goals have been met,  I am having less pain now than before the surgery.   Stairs are a bit of a challenge as the quads in my left leg are still weak.   But, again, that is no worse than before the surgery.   My ability to flex and straighten the leg is good for the time frame. 


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Things are looking good Dan, moving in a positive direction!

Offline Paa_Paw

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I do most of the day to day maintenance in a complex of 48 units, half of which are upstairs.   I am getting around pretty well and the knee pads are allowing me to do the  plumbing repairs without much problem.  


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You're doing better than I still do then I do Dan! I still can't kneel down even on knee pads!

Offline Paa_Paw

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Part of it is stubbornness, and part of it is pure luck.  working on hand and knees under a kitchen cabinet or a vanity is not easy, even with pads. but it is possible.  Getting back up is the hardest part. 


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I hear ya my old friend! We redid our lower level bath toilet and sick and our complete upper kitchen floors with ceramic counter tops and all! Debbie had to do the work under the sinks and/or kneeling work, I did the cutting and supervision.

Offline Paa_Paw

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My brother manages the properties I work at.  He is 6 years younger than I, but I do all the stuff he cannot do.  One major project I am now working on is Upstairs balconies and downstairs patio fences.   They are about 45 years old and I am totally replacing them.  Getting the old deck safely down and the lumber up to the upper level takes some rigging and tackle,  I keep learning new things.  Downstairs is easier, the patio is a concrete slab and all I need to do is build a new fence around it.   Each upper balcony deck and rail or patio fence will take me about a week.   Obviously this is a project that can only be done on an empty apartment for safety reasons. 


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