Author Topic: girl.. friend advice..  (Read 9279 times)

Offline wo1

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ok I've been friends with this girl since I was in the 6th grade. She used to always call me and I've always considered her a friend until about the 8th grade when I really started to like her, but of course keeping my cool as a friend. She would always talk to me about guys she liked and would like to date and what she thought of them etc. It was always so hard to hear her say things. Anyway so freshman year of high school comes along and I am pretty much accepting the fact that she is just gonna stay my friend. Well just to my surpise. The snowball dance was coming up.. This was my first high school event I'd really go to like this and I was pretty much convinced I would never go to anything unless it was prom or something. Anyway I can't dance, and from what I hear... thats all you mainly do there. Anyway just to my fucking luck she comes up to me and says how she would relaly like to go to the snowball dance with me. I just being a little intimidated by her said yes. Anyway so about 2 weeks go by and the final few days are coming up. I was not really worried about it until the actual day of it. I started of thinking of al the things that could go wrong. It was unbelivable. Anyway I got a real nice dark blue shirt (hide the gyne) and then got a real nice haircut etc. I go to the dance and I find myself by myself. I call my date and ask where was she etc, she said she has been there for 30 minutes already.. so im like w/e. but to my surprise, she went off again with her friends.... and I didn't see her for another hour or so.. I was just sitting at the table, waiting for her to come back or even find her. When i finally find her I dance with her for a good 4-5 songs until all of sudden during a slow dance she starts dancing with this other guy. I was so pissed off that I didn't want to embarass myself, so I headed to the bathroom. I sat in the stall and nearly broke the wall in anger of what just happened. I couldn't go back out there and face her. So I called my parents and said that I got sick and wanted to be picked up. On the way out my friends asked where I was going. I said I was sick and didn't feel good. They said ok and what about your date. and i was like " darn her " real loud. and then they knew why I was leaving and basically a word got around to her and apparently she didn;t even care. I go home and about 2 weeks... nothing.. no call, no ones said anything about it. zero. I come to the conclusion that I just got owned by a really good friend of mine who i thought liked me. Anyway so one day I finally see her in school and she waves to me like nothing ever happened. I didn't wave back and just gave her a dirty look. I haven't talk to  her since this year. She is in one of my classes and she absolutely gorgeous. I can't take it, sometimes. Me and her started talking again, but she still knows that I am extremely pissed. but i reallllly like her. i duno is this girl just playing me or should i just try again?
dont you ever think about just biting your gyne off.....

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as i said before.. snakes from hel they r .. her then burn her alive

Offline noshirt

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thats rough bro.

but uhh dont hold a grudge, that way whe'll really look like a b*tch

Offline headheldhigh01

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confront her.  tell her you like her but you refuse to be treated like s**t.  tell her you don't need a phd not to dance with other guys at something like that.  she's either interested in a relationship with you or not:  ask her which one it is.  

if she is, great, proceed with care.  if not, dump her.  she'll figure out why.  she has no business doing this to you, and chances are good there's somebody better for you out there.  i know that sucks, but you deserve better than abuse, and somebody who doesn't get it now may not get it for a very long time.    

if only the outside of people actually squared with the inside.  

p.s.  oppositions, if you think guys've never done that to women either, you're smoking the funny stuff.  
« Last Edit: September 23, 2004, 03:55:35 PM by headheldhigh01 »
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline wo1

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I would like to confront her, but the only way I would be able to do it without fucking up would be over the phone. I think I'm gonna take into consideration of what headheldhigh01 said. I think there is someone better for me out there, even though I think shes gorgeous and has everything I want in her. I still don't have to be treated like shit and now that I have this gyne off.. hopefully things should work out better.

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confront her.  tell her you like her but you refuse to be treated like s**t.    

yeah right.. she will scared!! u r funny

Offline headheldhigh01

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scared is not the point; informed is.  you're putting down your cards on the table and telling it like it is.  either she gets it and responds, or she doesn't.  

trust me, i used to live in a gay neighborhood.  it's sure not  just women, gay guys do this stuff to each other all the time too.  
« Last Edit: September 24, 2004, 09:31:33 PM by headheldhigh01 »

Offline turbo6

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Trust me, most girls 15-20 do not know what they want and just play around with every guy they can get their hands on until they get bored and move on.

Some girls even older than that still can't figure out what they want, and view guys as disposable or something, engaging in many short lived romances because of their lack of attention span and indifference.

However, some realize what they like. Grow up and learn to settle down with someone they find they like. Unfortunately, she's young, naive, can't make her mind up about what she wants. Find one that you can at least get a few months out of at this point, since most high school relationships aren't known for their longevity.
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Offline tiredofthelies

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trust me, i used to live in a gay neighborhood.

They make gay neighborhoods??

Offline headheldhigh01

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kind of happens that way when it becomes trendy for them to move in en masse over the years, maybe a 10-block area at least.  the bumper stickers, bookstores, health advisories in laundromats, and rainbow flags get a little hard to miss.  but if it makes them feel safer, maybe it's to the good.  

Offline wo1

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eh.. how did gay neighborhoods get into this?

Offline headheldhigh01

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oppositions appears to be of that inclination.  i pointed out a connection to his intense misogyny and encouraged him to consider that cheating and nastiness, based on my observation, are are by no means restricted to women.  even used to have gay domestic violence when i lived there, though the cops rarely talked about it.  so while women can be scum, just noting men can too, even including the gay ones like him.  so everybody's an individual.  

but it still sux to get the short end of that kind of business.   hang in there man.  
« Last Edit: September 28, 2004, 11:32:48 PM by headheldhigh01 »

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yea man, hang in there
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Offline Cuttin Headz

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that can only mean one thing - that bitch is a skanky hoe. darn that bitch. nexttime you see that slut, back her up in the janitor's closet, darn her fat ass, and then chop her head off. I am sick and tired of us guys with gyne not being able to keep a girlfriend. show 'em whose boss! >:(

if you get a chance, find out if she broke up because of your gyne.

Come on man, why can't us gyne guys get girls. Its just not fair
« Last Edit: February 18, 2005, 03:40:06 PM by Bubby_the_Tour_G »
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a tiny fraction do in spite of it, but thanks to the option of surgery, the rest of us return to normal and can.  


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