Author Topic: i need advice  (Read 3270 times)

Offline Tiverty_A

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  • Star where stuff like gyne is no more
could someone please tell me why my puberty has not hit me hard or much yet? the only thing is a little hair and my voice is starting to change a little but not much.  i just want to fit in with the other 15 year olds!
I have gyne that is caused by Fat not the gland, but it is still hard with my life.

Offline ItsOK

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Based on your tag line, your being overweight may be a contributing factor.  Large body mass dilutes the hormones.

But different people are just different.  If you're beginning to see changes, I expect things will proceed.  Do you see a doctor regularly?  (I sure didn't at age 15.)  If so, ask.  It can't hurt.

Offline Tiverty_A

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huh i have never heard about weight affecting it :o

Offline makesmesad

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Im 18, I shave somewhat regularly but i dotn have alot of hair on my chest..ive come to the conclusion Later (?) puberty may never come, but I figure when im 20-25 that may become sort of an advanage..Itll probably come, alot of my friends never really 'grew up' par say till 16-17

Offline a-man

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puberty just comes a bit later for some people... hang in there

Offline rn076q

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Don't worry about it mate or you could go see a doctor just to be on the safe side.

It's a pain when you have to start shaving everyday or you look like shaggy from scooby doo anyways.

Offline Worrier

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When I was a lad , not soo long ago I remember all the lads at school  developed at different rates. There was one guy who I swear at eleven was getting stubble and was already  six feet I kid you not.

He used to get ribbed to pieces over it.I remember things changing at about thirteen for me . Everyone is different.I knew plenty of guys who still looked at bit boyish at sixteen seventeen who you wouldn't see that now. Be patient , maybe talk to your doc about it. I am sure he will put you in the picture.
Maybe drop the weight as that might be something to do with it but I doubt it as I knew a few guys who were a bit overweight and they were fine.I really don't think it is anything to worry about.


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