Author Topic: Life without alcohol  (Read 1714 times)


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Thinking about going teetotal. I had a major problem with alcohol a couple of years ago but I managed to get it under control. I now drink twice a week on a Saturday and Sunday night. To be honest the thought of not drinking scares me. All my friends are drinkers so i would be giving up my social life. Anyone here been in a similar situation?

Offline JohannK

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I'm not a drinker, and I've never been one.  So I can't speak from experience.

But, if you had a true drinking problem, then I'd think it's best to stop drinking.  Assuming it got to an actual addiction of course.

Personally, I have a "what does it matter" approach when it comes to drinking.  I don't drink a drop of alcohol, even if I'm in a pub. I just drink whatever cold drink I feel like, and the other people can drink what they feel like.  In the end, what does it really matter if you have a glass of coke, and everybody else has brandy and coke (just as an example)?


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I suppose it's hard to explain to a non-drinker, but as an introvert it makes me more sociable. I enjoy feeling more relaxed and outgoing

Offline JohannK

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As someone who has one of the most misunderstood conditions*, I know what it's like to be introverted.  I get what you're saying as well as a non-drinker probably can, but in the end I'm not sure if the method is worth it.  I get the impression that there is some degree of addiction speaking here, and I fear that makes alcohol dangerous for you.

I personally found that I managed to become more sociable once I got into classic cars.  Being in a club and participating in shows helps me to be between people.  Still, I'm not really outgoing.  At club get-togethers I'll often be that guy who sits alone while at the same time enjoying being between people (maybe you'll understand what I'm saying). Of course I'm not saying that my method will work for you, but alcohol has many ugly side effects (you are, after all, literally taking non-lethal doses of poison).  And gyno (since you're also a member of this site) is a known side effect of some alcoholic drinks (if taken too much).

*Let's just say the term is used as an insult to call people stupid.

Offline SheriGoddart33

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I was living without alcohol almost 20 years, recently i tried some wine and i didn't like what felt then


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