Author Topic: HNMM  (Read 4519 times)


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« Last Edit: September 17, 2008, 03:19:53 PM by bob_1962 »

Offline Jahshua

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  • There is life after Gynecomastia
Poorly written? I thought you did a great job  :)

Dude, I'm sorry about your fam issues. I don't know much, but I do know what it's like for people to poke fun at or talk about your gyne. The way I first realized I had it was when I was in P.E. in 7th grade and a group of guys saw my chest and started laughing at me. Hell, even a few of my close friends laughed at me through the years. Anyway, all I'm saying is I know it hurts to be on this side of the jokes.

As for the gyne issue, don't fret. You have options and plenty of time to decide what is right for you.

Hang in there. Someday all this will be nothing more than a memory.
Here's my doc's web page:


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damn... thanks man. that made me feel a wee bit better  :)

Offline moobius

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pee in her OJ, that'll make you feel even better

Offline manic91m9

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hmm sounds a bit like shes trying to toughen you up, right or wrong she sounds like a bit of a cow but shes your mother so you  need to adapt to her. as for her providing your food  you are definitely old enough to control what you eat now, just don't expect her to make it lol. maybe u should talk to her about getting fit improving your diet etc and see how she reacts. regardless of if your mother is right or wrong it only takes one person to change a relationship, maybe you need to ask her some questions about herself and see where shes coming from in general and she may be more receptive. if all else fails tell her what she wants to hear and do as you like, but make sure you take control of your life and not be the person that says why me.

Offline nasa3

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Wow, that letter brought up some bad memeories for me. My father always treated me like he didnt want to be around me. He'd be talking to my younger brothers and laughing and having a good time and when I'd walk in the room, his whole demeanor would change and he'd clam up. Never discussed the gyne with him, never discussed much of anything with him. I will give you one piece of advice. In 3-4 years you will be on your own, and you can pursue anything you want in the way of a career. DO IT. Don't let anyone put you n a place where you are pursuing a career just to make them happy, because you will wind up making yourself terribly unhappy. If you want to open a shop or have manual work profession, then do it if it makes you happy. And do not be afraid to change it if later on you discover that you were wrong and you want to do something else.

God Bless



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« Last Edit: September 17, 2008, 03:20:29 PM by bob_1962 »

irish lad

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i feel for you.. im 19 had a rough childhood myself so i can relate to what your saying.. i too was mocked for having breasts as they called them but its only now i am doing something about it totally on my own... as far as ur family man il give you some advice that i always stick by.. you look out for yourself, your number1 not your mam or brothers you.. you do what you can too get by and acheive your goals.. now thats not saying not too care about your mam and bro's but to just raise above them!if they bother you.. its your life do enjoy it because nobody gets out alive!! nobody should talk to you like that your own person!


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