Author Topic: Shaving Armpits/Pubes?  (Read 17693 times)

Offline klapeop

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Who does it here? I'm a Muslim and and do it because it is required. Why don't Non-Muslims do so? What's the most common reasoning?

Offline merle

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there is no one reason. They like the look and feel. It is also a fetish, for some it is about emasculating. Lots and lots of websites devoted to the topic. It seem so to have become very popular with the younger generation. I think it is a combination of not wanting to feel older and most or at least many porn stars are shaved a little to a lot.
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Offline klapeop

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Sorry if I was unclear, just to be safe; I'm asking about why people don't shave. I like to because I think it's cleaner.

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Offline Badgene

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besides a lot of girls enjoy looking at what man actually looks like. They dont seem to like excessive hair and they often get a kick out of shaved chests sometimes. But at the same time if you shave off every hair down there it might possibly invoke a comical reaction from the women. Its something they would definitely bring mind to others for better or worse as to them one would need an apparent reason to shave it all off unless they just so happen to like it. That or another girl made them do it.

" tee hee, Betty did you know that Donald likes to shave all his pubes off?" "why does he do that?" "Mary did you know that Donald likes to....."

" No, he just does it on his own, maybe he likes the way it looks, maybe sandra likes it that way, or maybe....."

Then your known as the guy who shaves his pubes off, seeing as how a major reason guys like to do it is it makes the johnson look less small and you dont necessarily want to imply something that isn't true

but like the other guy said the trends are changing I'm sure many people find it sexy these days.

You see its a whole social thing.

I know some girls must like it without hair or if its excessive they might ask you to at least shave it down a bit. It would be weird at first but in the end she'd get used to it or even desire it. but I dont have the most experience with that so who knows. maybe couples would have more sex if we all shaved down there anyway. To be honest I'm frightened as hell to do it.

A plus side is if you already have the hair you can always shave it upon request or as a suprise, something to living up her Wednesday evening. and if I know anything about relationships (which I dont) being asked to shave then doing so is a definite sign of commitment to making your partner happy. everytimes she see's shaved after that she will be reminded that you do it for her. Then when they do shave it they leave at least a little something remaining, they refer to it as landscaping,  women are big on it themselves if Ive learned anything from the internet.

So besides the fear of blood in the worst spot and possible social tangling, there just aren't enough reasons out there for most guys (especially single) to shave themselves off unless they get a kick out of it or what themselves to look bigger.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2008, 07:53:57 PM by Badgene »

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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To each his/her own...  ;)


Offline The_G0rn

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Who does it here? I'm a Muslim and and do it because it is required. Why don't Non-Muslims do so? What's the most common reasoning?

Here are a few reasons why they dont...
1. Its a chore to do it
2. Shaving your pubes causes ingrowns, chaffing, cuts, rashes and an itchy uncomfortable stubble when it grows back
3. Its just creepy. A fully grown man with no pubic hair?  SO wrong. 

If you are going to do it at least get it waxed or lasered.
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Offline moobius

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I Do it because I think pubes don't look good. My girlfriend likes hairless. I like her to be hairless.

I think there are two types of girls when it comes to grooming.

1. Girls who want a cowboy. The guy can be ugly and hairy as long as he's tough and cocky.

2. Girls who want a model. Must be shaved and/or well groomed.

Either way whatever you do down there is going to be talked about. I guess first it depends on yourself (whether you like the feel/look of being shaved or not) and then whoever you're close with if you don't have a preference.

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Offline Copespo

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I shave my armpits and pubes, I dont touch anything else. I made a huge mistake of shaving my chest....never doing that again...the first time I shaved my pubes was terrible, the pain and itching was a pain in the ass....after doing it for another 5-6 times I got really used to it.
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Offline MSJ108

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I buzz down my balls and armpits. It's just nasty if you don't. I got some friends who bic their balls, thats a bit much for me. I don't want to look like a cancer patient down there.  :o


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I don't want to look like a cancer patient down there.  :o

L O L  ;D

Offline lookinup

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As MSJ said I do it like the women do. Trim things down a bit. I don't mess with my pits but as far as pubes go buzz that crap down, my god if I had to go down on my lady with a full on Amazon rainforest thing going on I'd puke. So all is fair. Also I feel a bit cleaner when I'm "thinned out" I did do it bic style a few times but that can be embarrassing if another male sees it.
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I'm completely shaven downstairs because the girlfriend loves it and so do I! It's much cleaner and after doing it for like 5 years straight now it's pretty much a ritualistic obligation to shave every time I get in the shower.

After shaving for as long as I have ingrowns aren't a problem. No ingrowns, so soreness, rashes, cuts, anything.. Just smooth and clean.

Oh, and the gf is far more inclined to give oral if I'm shaven she says. You don't want to end up flossing with pubes, now, do you?  ;D

As for underarms, I just trim those every so often with a buzzer.
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Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Oh, and the gf is far more inclined to give oral if I'm shaven she says. You don't want to end up flossing with pubes, now, do you?  ;D

Or.... going to the dentist for a hair cut.   ;D



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