Thanks for the reply Badgene, I found myself being in almost the same situations as you. I for once never been to a club, a real night club since from the fear that somehow I could "F" up and make myself look like a idiot. I didnt go to prom either since I cant dance, and I was sick and tired of living with this shyness, so I decided screw it I will not go. I like yourself have about 2 good friends, but in the past 5 months or so I have been ignoring them a lot and they kind of said "screw you man" but we still talk. I plan to start going out again and brining my social life back on track.
I am currently on vacation, in Europe. I am not a tourist here, I used to live in Europe and I came now over the summer to visit family. I been here for about 70 days now, out of those 70 days, I spend 50 in my house and about 10 going out with people. I cant describe how beautiful the girls are here, but since I have gyne I find myself not going out at all. I live in NYC and before I left to Europe I was shopping for clothes, I brought over 10 shirts, out of those 10 I wore only 3. Since all the other ones are too thin and expose my gyne.
I just hope that after the surgery my life would change, since I am not depressed, or mentally ill or suicidal or anything I just have this problem (gyne) that keeps me from socializing with people, I worry too much if someone is gonna notice my gyne. When I tried to explain to my parents about my gyne they kind of ignored me and said I am making it all up, they said I am insane and all this bs. I just wanted to tell them "Do you know it feels to wake up every morning and feel like crap because of this, and think about this crap (gyne) every single day" but I choose not to argue with them. I am planning to get my surgery in January and hopefully after that I will be totally changed.
Its insane when you have over 50 shirts and you wear only 5 because they cover up my gyne. AS for professional help I just wanted some counseling, I would never settle for medication. I never took drugs, or consumed alcohol in my life and I never will, nor did I smoke ever. I have a pretty strong conscience and I can say No to peer pressure and stuff like that, even though my parents think I dont and constantly tell me about drugs and all this other crap. Like I said I just hope that after the surgery my life would change, when I was 15 (chubby at the time) I promised myself that at age 20 I will have a muscular body, six pack and stuff and now I am trying to achieve that. I am sick and tired of watching these stupid movies where the girl chases a super muscular athletic guy, and every time I watched those movies I said "Man I wish I had a body like that" now I am finally going towards that goal and not just wishing I could be like that, I lost 10lb in 2 months. I am pretty slim now I weight 165lb, I am 6 feet tall...I have little fat remaining, I am returning back to NYC in 2 days and I cant wait so I can start working out again.
I think gyne played a huge part of me being shy but also the 10% was caused because I was always a little chubby, I had a stomach and stuff and I covered it up with tight undershirts for the first time in 6 years I dont have to suck in my stomach to look skinny now its natural. I am glad that I had the power and dedication to stop something that has been ruining my life for so long, and once my gyne is gone then I will be able to finally live without waking up every day and looking at my chest and saying "wow thats disgusting"