Author Topic: Totally off topic and just my paranoid a$$  (Read 4398 times)

Offline ForexFreak

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lol i cant believe im putting this in a forum but i dont want to ask my friends or family...
about 3 days ago , i got soo drunk with this girl around the corner i ended up fucking her with no condom...
she said its the first time shes went that far before me she only like made out ...
and im worried maybe i caught something ???
am i being a paranoid idiot , cuz like i have no symptoms but wtf ... i just am really paranoid...  :-\

Offline Bolognianips

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So.. What exactly is your question?  If your asking if its possible to contract an std.. of course it is.  Even if she was was being legit, (which I find chicks that get drunk and screw, arnt) you can still get and std if she contracted it in another way (ie transfusion, needles, and on.. and on... and on..)  Most Std's dont have an immidiate sympton.

Also, you might have to wait a few months to make sure you havent caught a baby.

Here is a quick tip, if some chic says "Don't worry I'm on birth controll" that dosent mean "scrap the rubber", it means "I get around, and I dont like condoms"

If its driving you buggy go to a clinic, I'm sure there is a free one near you where you can get tested.  Just remember HIV wont show up right away.

Offline ForexFreak

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well im 17 and shes only 15... yes , what im worried about if she was lying ,... even though like i know almost for 100% shes never done anything that far and has only smoked weed like 4 times ... i still stress about it ...  it wasnt like she said "i dont like condoms"
i feel like a not a nice person to admit it but ... i never even asked,i told her i was doing it and she didnt comment so i took it as a yes... we were both so drunk i just pulled off her pants and put it in... she is pretty pissed off at me cuz i took her virginity but its both of our faults .. booze should never be mixed with chicks... you do so many things you regret

should i be paranoid about a STD ?? like i know u could say OHHH needles, etc. but given the circumstances how she has a clean past and stuff... should i be stressing ? not to mention she is 15.. :-\

Offline Bolognianips

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Get tested if your paranoid, in my experiance every one is a little paranoid when they are young, and have a few mishaps, broken condom etc.  

I was going to save the lecture, but you need to be careful about those situations.  I mean depending on how you read it, having sex with a drunk girl that is unresponsive..  is rape.  I'm not saying thats how it was, but dude..

I dont know how in the world you could expect somone to tell you that you might have an STD.  Its not an uncommon practice for people to never get tested untill they have a sympton, and its not uncommon for some people to get tested regualarly.

Your call.

Good Luck.

Offline dontknow_ok

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dude call her up and hit it again ;D

Offline ForexFreak

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LOL your jokes... i just went to see my gf today.. ill stick with just her ;-)

Offline ForexFreak

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well im itching a lil bit .... but last time i had a lil bit of itches... i was fine when i went to the doctors to get tested...  :-\

it's itching that you normallly wlould have but since that" event" you start to notice it more i guess.


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