Author Topic: What's the weather like at your place?  (Read 4884 times)

Online Evolver

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Tornados, yuck!

I'm actually pretty lucky where we live, we aren't prone to twisters, we're well outside of the cyclone zone, don't have to put up with snow apart from a very rare sprinkle, and even the worst storms are rarely damaging. The very coldest night I can remember here was -5 deg. C (23 deg. F) and the hottest day was 46 deg. C (115 deg. F).

Today was overcast and cool, max 14 deg. C (57 deg. F), right on average for June.

Offline carfreak

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Today (06/10) a Saturday sunny and around 83. Tomorrow about same temp and a slight chance of rain. Monday very good chance of rain so no car washing for me


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It will be warm again today with a high of 86 projected. 10% chance of showers means it most likely won't, but humid. 


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Offline taxmapper

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Warm and pleasant. 

Prob. 86ish for the highs. 


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Weather has been a bit weird. Forecasted as hot, but turns out overcast. The humidity has been horrible this year so it can get miserable. 
There is nothing worse than a hot flash in high humidity 😳

What have ya got in your neck of the woods?

Online Evolver

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Yesterday was gorgeous. Considering that we're still slowly climbing out of winter here, we had a decent dose of spring weather. Sunny skies, mild temperatures (high 60's F), but a bit windy. At least the washing dried! 

Today started overcast but the sky cleared later. A few days ago the forecast predicted a cold wet day, but we had no rain. It's actually a bit concerning - we could be in for a horrible summer. :( 

Online Evolver

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Two weeks into Spring and we're in a gorgeous spell of weather. Blue skies, temperatures for the next week including today (in F) are low 70's, high 70's, high 70's, mid 70's, low 70's, mid 70's, then...mid 80's next Tuesday. No rain. Two weeks into Spring. Horrible summer ahead, almost guaranteed to be full of death and destruction. :(

Offline taxmapper

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Offline oldguy

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We have had 10" of rain over the last 4 days on the southeast coast of Alaska.  it is supposed to rain most of this week.  The fishing is good, if you can survive the rain and wind in the bay, to catch them.  Wearing three layers of thermal underwear over my bra.

Online Evolver

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It's been a real roller coaster here. September was unusually dry and last Saturday the temperature climbed into the 80's. Remember, it's only early Spring here. Bushfires broke out, fanned by strong winds and some property losses have occurred. It was very smoky here yesterday. Today, the forecast rains finally arrived and we've had 58mm (2 1/4 inches) in the past 12 hours with a possible repeat tomorrow. Now we've got flood warnings!

Online Evolver

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we've had 58mm (2 1/4 inches) in the past 12 hours 
Now 121mm (4 3/4 inches) in the 36 hours since it started. Normal in the tropics, but not here. Thankfully, it has been constant, gentle rain with no real local damage, but there are evacuation orders in place for areas not too far from here. :(

Offline taxmapper

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Were clear today. 

No storms, and cool to warm day. 

Typical NM Fall. 

Soon the hot-cold process and then the dive into winter. 

Online Evolver

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Late Spring here now, the countryside is looking beautiful after recent flooding rains, and deciduous trees are already full of foliage.

Mid 70's and sunny weather is forecast for this weekend. Already contemplating a coupla snags on the barby for lunch on Sundy! ;)

This time of year has very changeable weather here. It hailed yesterday but I regretted not wearing a hat today when I went for a walk in the sunshine - my face is still stinging! Forecasters here can always get away with predicting "Fine, partly cloudy, chance of rain"...they would never be wrong! ::)

Offline taxmapper

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Cooling off finally. 

Down in Oz ya'll a mirror image of up here. 

Our leaves are falling, yours blooming. 

What a wonderful difference eh? 

NM typically falls down into the low 40s (F) until mid Nov. when things get much cooler. 

Crisp this am. 
The midday is expected to be around 70 F. 


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