Author Topic: 25+ years secret, Just told my GP/mum/......booked surgery.  (Read 14645 times)

Offline tpuk

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Hi guys,

I've read the forums a bit.

You all know the score by the sounds.....

Anyways - I've basically never lived any sort of life in part because of this shit condition (and anxiety problems for which I have recently started seeing a shrink). I am now 39, and just come into some money & just thought fxxk it & booked up with Levick.

I have a skinny/puppy fat type body with medium gyn.

I approached my GP about 2 months ago, told him the problem, how it has ruined my life, never been to a beach or swimming, dont play sports, avoided relationships (not just 1 night stands).

Standard bullshit 'do some pressups' etc response. lol.

Other complications are that my Test levels are low (11 from a 9-28 range) and I just found out I have low bone more tests to come.

I requested the above tests because of my feelings of low Test levels & an undecended testicle in my teens. The GPs would have done nothing  ??? ???

I went for an endo appointment - she says 'dont worry - your a good looking guy'. etc etc.

So today I tell my mum all this stuff as I need a lift up for the OP, she's basically pissed off (she thinks its nothing to worry about). She barks out that ive wasted my life etc by not dealing with this sooner (I am a virtual recluse now - I was becoming fully alcoholic/drugged also but quit last Nov)....

Bit gutted by her reaction.

Dunno what to expect from surgery, I don't care either - I am going to take action with this issue & if it cannot be fixed - then I have tried....thats all I can do.

I am scared about surgery, as I suffer very bad anxiety & panic attacks esp in places like hospitals  ;D haha. God - I am just gonna have to suck it up & hope for the best....I really feel very angry for people that have no money for surgery & doctors that dont understand the impact this has..its just so embarrassing & the NHS just made me feel like a fool even though all my assumptions were correct as proven by blood test & bone density scan. To say that I dont have gyn is simply laughable. :'(

My message to anybody younger than me is just tell your parents now/today....there is no time for any man to waste in this life.... darn how embarrassing it is - just do it - hopefully you will get a shot at help....don't rot away like I have.


Offline Paa_Paw

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The key words came from your Mom. "You should have done something sooner."

Yet, I really cannot say anything myself as this remained my personal embarrassment for many years too.

Somehow we need to convince young men that the first thing needed to get this behind you is to speak up.
Grandpa Dan

Offline tpuk

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I am about 10 weeks+ post-op now.

I'm pleased with the result. I've walked around in public with just a t-shirt for the first time in well over a decade :) this freedom is what I wanted....

Hopefully I will be swimming & stuff soon.

I experienced pretty much zero bruising, mild pain that responded very well to paracetamol, no scar tissue (yet). Having the drains removed hurt a bit I would say - but its just a stinging sensation that doesn't last.

Results from removing the dressing 1 week post-op were mind-blowing it was crazy. After 9 weeks in the compression vest my chest was less dramatically 'flat' but the glands are very obviously not there & overall I think anymore fat removal would just look un-natural.

My areola have shrunk a bit from how they were pre-op.

I have confidence issues that have not evaporated post-op (I do have much better general mood) - but that is as I expected. ...but this is a massive weight off my mind.......I have recently noticed some of my summer shirts in the washing... they are HUGE...(I shifted alot of weight pre-op aswell) assuming everything stays as is I intend burning them :) They represent alot of unhappiness for me.

It still is a bit wierd with regard to who to tell. A friend came over the other night & was telling me about a gameshow where the host asked the contestant what he would do if he won the prize. The contestant apparently said 'well I've always wanted to do something about my manboobs & have plastic surgery etc etc'. My friend thought this was pretty crazy :) It wouldda been the ideal opportunity for me to tell my best mate about my op. But I just dont know if he could understand...

anyway - just thought I would update the thread as its been read a few times now.

@ paa_paw - yeh more blokes need to talk about this stuff ... difficult when I can't mention it to my best friend or even my brother or father (both family members have gyn in varying degrees).

Offline Paa_Paw

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If I was to use one single word to describe the feelings expressed by many young men after their surgery I think the word would be: "liberated."


Offline tpuk

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Thanks Paa_Paw :)

I'll prolly update this thread from time 2 time if anything interesting happens.................

Offline tpuk

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* 13 weeks post op *

Just went for my first run (4 miles approx) without the vest & in a normal t-shirt on a sunny/busy day in the park lots of nice girls around & a situation that I would normally avoid/layer up for.

Last time I did that a group of random lads shouted abuse at my body shape :/ I was gutted & never wore just a t-shirt again. That was prolly 6+ years ago......

so it felt great today - I didn't have one moment of paranoia, I am so used to layering up to go running its actually alot easier running in just a t-shirt - I was just floating along. Lovely :)


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Good for you tpuk! Congratulations on your new life!

I wish you the best in the future, as well!


Offline tpuk

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Good for you tpuk! Congratulations on your new life!

I wish you the best in the future, as well!


Cheers Bob

Offline tpuk

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Updating this thread about 3 months post op;

Went swimming for the first time in over 20 years !

I went to the Olympic sized pool we have here. I was super nervous - almost as much as when I had my operation - shaking like a leaf. I took my top off & quickly bundled all my clothes into the locker - but then I couldn't work the key/lock because I can't see shit without glasses ! I had to ask a woman who was stood nearby.

I have missed swimming so much !

Offline tpuk

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Just updating; my operation was 7th November 2012; today its Tuesday 26th March 2013.

Things are OK. I go swimming twice a week - I do 1.5 hours each time to tone up.

I am also running for 1 hour twice a week.

I feel fine about my chest, I can't say i look at myself in the mirror all the time or anything - just that I feel OK about it now. I've noticed that my long time habits like closing my eyes until I have pulled my t-shirt on remain, and I dont look in the mirror when I get out of the shower etc. My chest feels flat so I try not to obsess about it anymore.

Its been so cold so far this year I haven't thought about summer or anything yet - wearing about 5 layers just to keep warm !

GL all.

Offline thetodd

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Itl get better mate, 5 months isnt long in terms of recovery. Eventually something will click in your mind, and it will be fine and you will accept it and be happy with your chest. Its hard to explain but there will be a eureka moment and your whole perception of yourself will change. There was a point where i was really pissed off with my chest, and went back to my surgeon and he just gave me a frank talking too and i left a bit pissed off. On the way home his words really resonated with me, when i got home i just felt so much better and my perspective hasnt changed since.

Its great that you are going swimming and doing runs, will make you look and feel better good luck!
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline tpuk

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cheers thetood :)

Hope I didn't sound negative about my post-op situation. I'm over the moon with the result.

The weather is warmer now & my runs are getting increasingly longer at about 1:20 hours & I can feel my strength growing with the swimming - doing more crawl than breaststroke now & its a proper hard work-out (tougher than the running) - cramp is a bit of a problem but its getting better as my muscles get used to the new schedule.

Its amazing watching the proper swimmers training aswell - some serious training goes on there. I really admire the guys/ladies - they work hard. very hard.

Nice to run in a t-shirt in the sun after all these years sweating balls running in a fleece in the summer.

One of my customers commented on how much weight I had lost (she said hello in the street thinking I was somebody else) & said I looked really healthy n stuff which is cool. Its partly the fact that I am not wearing a xl black t-shirt with a huge baggy work shirt over the top though.

anyways enough rambling, best wishes guys.

Offline tpuk

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I went to a formal event yesterday; bought a shirt, trousers & tie.

Another first; I didn't wear anything under the shirt. Felt cool - all my clothes fitted properly for once. I felt really confident - it really helps with anxiety & depression.

I bumped into many old faces; all seemed to know that I do alot of running these days (rather than drinking in the pub) even though I rarely bump into any of them any more. A few peeps said I look like a 'different person'.

If I keep schedule with the running its feasable that I will do a half marathon for a cancer charity of which my friends father just passed away. He & his sister are meant to be doing it & I can deffo cover then distance now..... just got to commit & sort it out. Sometimes I wonder if anybody has ever run a marathon with a gyno awareness t-shirt on?

GL guys.

Offline Bain-of-my-life

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Awesome mate, really happy for you :)

I had surgery yesterday and know I have a long way to go in terms of recovery but I am very upbeat about things. Can't wait to get in good shape... having gyn puts you off exercising so much!

Offline tpuk

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Awesome mate, really happy for you :)

I had surgery yesterday and know I have a long way to go in terms of recovery but I am very upbeat about things. Can't wait to get in good shape... having gyn puts you off exercising so much!

cheers ! Good luck with the recovery :)


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