Author Topic: I think my boyfriend has gynecomastia: how should I talk to him about it?  (Read 5216 times)

Offline gayandproud

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I (25 year old male) recently saw my boyfriend (27 year old male) shirtless for the first time, and I think he has gynecomastia. It could be just that he's a heavy set guy, but still, they struck me as too big and too feminine-shaped to be just fat.

I don't mind them at all, if anything I think they look kind of cute. Only thing I'm wondering if is I should bring it up with him or not. He's a lot more masculine than I am (I like to joke that I'm the girlfriend in the relationship), so I'm not sure he'd take it well if I told him that I think he has breasts. I have female friends who work in clothing stores, who I'm sure they would be happy to get him sized and fitted for a bra if he wanted one. Only issue is that I fear he won't want to and wouldn't take it well if I bring it up.

Should I talk to him about it, and if yes, how should I talk about it with him?

Offline blad

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Probably hard to bring up if it is early in the relationship.

There may be a natural lead in at some point. 

But it is more a question of how he feels and his comfort.
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline SideSet

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Be cautious with what you say, but look for opportunities to subtly know you feel positive about his chest and him. 

Offline gayandproud

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Justa side note. I mentioned in another post. I was a straight male who had gynecomastia and was also a crossdresser who wore women's tops and slacks for years as well as bra and panties every day because the fit and feel were better than anything in the men's department. Now, I'm just a gay woman who no longer crossdresses and my gynecomastia is cured with no surgery. 

Labels are overrated.🤗

your sis,

Offline Busty

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If your actions show you find his breasts attractive, then it will be easier when you talk with him about his breasts and him needing to start wearing a bra to look and feel better and that you would find him attractive in a bra.

Offline SideSet

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 Please keep us informed about how it is going and any way we can further help 

Offline gayandproud

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Offline gayandproud

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All this time, and I still haven't brought it up to him yet.

The biggest thing in my way is that I'm worried that he already has insecurities (the gay community can be brutal to fat guys), and I'm terrified that I'll just end up making things worse no matter how gently I break it to him.


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Maybe you could start with a little "affection" towards them and se how he responds?


Offline gayandproud

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Ooh, good idea. Might try to draw attention to them next time we're rolling around. That way he'll know that they're not a turn-off for me.

Offline Evolver

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Ooh, good idea. Might try to draw attention to them next time we're rolling around. That way he'll know that they're not a turn-off for me.
Yes. It's all about communication, whether verbal or otherwise.

Good luck.

Offline SideSet

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Yes, just play with them like a woman enjoys having her breasts and nipples played  with 

Offline gayandproud

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Success! After getting some action on Sunday (where I made sure to play with his breasts a little), we talked, and he's tentatively agreed to have a friend of mine (a woman) who works at Dillard get him a bra.

Offline SideSet

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That is great.  She should give him a bra fitting 


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