Author Topic: Who Encourages and Who Knows  (Read 2171 times)

Offline SideSet

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In another thread I was asked who has urged, suggested, encouraged, helped, supported (you pick the word) my wearing a bra and who knows I wear a bra.

As I have said, I developed breasts at puberty same as when the girls in my class were growing breasts. Back then I heard a stream of comments, the most common being you need to wear a bra. I don’t count that as fitting the question here. My development back then stopped at about a B cup and I remained smallish for decades. I would camouflage as much as possible.

Intimate encounters over the  years were mixed. And for obvious reasons 😘 not that numerous. Some partners pretended to ignore, some were turned off, some curious, and some treated as you would a woman’s breasts.  Among the latter groups there would be “why don’t you wear a bra,” “you should wear bras,” “you would like wearing a bra,”  you would look good in a bra” or something else along those lines.  Once in a great while, one would want to measure me for a bra, offer to go bra shopping with me, give me a bra she guessed was my size, and the rarer still, incorporate my wearing a bra into our play time.

During that time, I was never very comfortable with my breasts, so more awkward than receptive to such reactions, and their interest in my breasts, and me, always petered out.

As I said, I was camouflaging, learned pretty much all the tricks, and overall not getting much general reaction that it was obvious I had female breasts, areolae, and nipples.

So, that is hopefully a good start of the answer.

« Last Edit: March 17, 2022, 03:34:11 PM by SideSet »

Offline blad

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I have only had one relationship, and that was the girl I married at an early age of 19. We are still married more than 40 years later.

I was self conscious of my breast growth then, as I was since I was 13. I already well knew that I preferred to wear a bra, but had not disclosed that.

At one point earlier into our marriage she looked at me and exclaimed I needed a bra more than she did. Her comment was spontaneous and I know not meant to be demeaning. But it did clear the way over time to increase my use of a bra. Of course I already knew I needed one long before her comment.

For a long time now I wear a bra daily, and she washes them and puts them away. She reminds me to pack the bras I want before a trip. We went bra shopping together for me once, but otherwise I have always shopped for myself. She is supportive, but it is not something we talk about much.

My only other encouragement to wear a bra was from all the constant comments I had in school; although the comments were not meant to be helpful, they were correct.

I sort of wished my mother had discussed bras with me. It would have been initially embarrassing but helpful. She was well aware of my breasts, having arranged a specialist visit and even a stay in a children's hospital to evaluate my breasts.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2022, 01:20:36 PM by blad »
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline SideSet

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blad, so good your wife was brave and caring enough to say and do that.  Seems like neither of our mothers were.  As a teenager, I could really have benefitted from a mentor about having breasts and wearing bras.  Instead, back then I was self taught and got some things right and some things wrong.  And instead of acceptance or confidence, I felt awkward and ashamed to have breasts.  While I felt and looked best in a bra, I could only surreptitiously wear one.

Offline Evolver

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For a long time now I wear a bra daily, and she washes them and puts them away. She reminds me to pack the bras I want before a trip. We went bra shopping together for me once, but otherwise I have always shopped for myself. She is supportive, but it is not something we talk about much.
Just wondering, if you would like your wife to be more involved in your bra shopping experiences and conversations about your breasts generally, do you provide any input into her bra purchase decisions etc.? You could be her mentor!


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My wife and I routinely go bra shopping together. We did also when I was still pretending to be a man. She loves going bra shopping with me. We both know that I know and understand more about bras than she does. I still like having her approval of what I by and vice versa. We both want each other to look and feel our best.


Offline blad

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For a long time now I wear a bra daily, and she washes them and puts them away. She reminds me to pack the bras I want before a trip. We went bra shopping together for me once, but otherwise I have always shopped for myself. She is supportive, but it is not something we talk about much.
Just wondering, if you would like your wife to be more involved in your bra shopping experiences and conversations about your breasts generally, do you provide any input into her bra purchase decisions etc.? You could be her mentor!
I know she would be more engaged if i asked. I am just too reserved I guess.

Offline Busty

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blad, ask her. You already have a marriage made in heaven


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