I had a lengthy path to gynecomastia and completely misunderstood by the healthcare system. Part of this path involved a pituitary tumor that produced prolactin. My enlarging breasts at the time ( C cup ) one day out of the blue gave me a ‘ let down ‘ sensation. It was intense and felt as if a flood gate had opened in my breasts. I was in public and had on a T shirt and I was mortified to think that I had huge milk spots on my front. Checking, I was dry. The next flood was that of relief. It was happening just as I was starting chemo for the Prolactinoma. I believe there was no progression to lactation due to the drug.
Don’t know much about your situation/health but a hormone panel may be of use to allay any concerns there might be about this event. I have found the occurrence rate of these pituitary tumors is much higher than previously believed. As estrogen goes up so does prolactin. My tumor is gone but I still have a slight elevation in that level. Probably due to a low dose estrogen patch for osteoporosis prophylaxis. I get some odd sensation in my breasts occasionally from the patch, I suspect.