Author Topic: here is a link to some pix of me, maybe it will work!  (Read 20631 times)

Offline Res6462

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I don't agree with Maywest on one key issue.I DO NOT advocate manboobs bouncing all over the beach,around the pool,or anywhere else.I always have worn a shirt BEFORE my chest developed,except in a pool or the ocean.That was because I consider myself a hairy beast and I don't like looking at hairy guys without matter what shape they're in.Now I have one more reason to keep myself covered. Before you get cranked up Maywest, I have the upmost respect for you and this is not a personal attack.Yours has been a very reasonable voice throughout this site and I can appreciate that!! I just wanted to clarify that point. No, I don't speak for anyone else from the Acceptance side.Keep up the good work MW!!!


Offline matthew1

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Thanks for the stats and for the heads up on who's behind this board.One way to drum up some business!!!


I think that you are a bit confused and certainly good at playing the victim. The majority of men with breasts generally speaking don't think much about them and just go about their lives.

This site was created because after I started sharing my story on my website, it was so over run with traffic that I created this site so there was a central resource for men and boys wanting more information.

For many years I supported the site and boards out of my and my partners pocket. Doctors and garment makers were listed for free and made a fortune. At the end of my relationship, I did not have the funds to support it, especially as large as it had become. So I started charging cosmetic surgeons and garment makers to list.

There have been forums for all points of view on the site from the beginning. The primary one for men that like their breasts has been the list serves. I created this part of the forum so that those men that like or celebrate their breasts would be more visible. The men and boys that don't like their chests need to see there is another point of view.

The site attracts more men that are interested in removing their gynecomastia, because we as humans tend to pay more attention to things that bother us and ignore the rest.

So please keep your victim mentality to yourself unless you are willing to put out the bucks to pay for the site and the people that work to keep it up, I suggest you just say thank you.

If the guys who like their breasts are as big of victims as the ones who don't what is to distingish one group from the other.


   I noticed their are generally  two dr posting on here and I suppose they sponcer the site,  are  other PS welcome here if they pay or just these two?   dont get me wrong, the two  docs here sound great, just wondering if the compitition is welcomed

Offline JayC

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Angel you indeed have a nice rack. I too have Gynecomastia that started when I was around 10 to 13 then went away. I hated it when I was a youngster. It has recently started to come back again but now I am really growing a set of breasts. I am 54 years old now and the breasts I am growing don't bother me at all in fact just the opposite.
 I have breasts. That is a reality and I have two choices - like it or not. I have chosen to accept my new toys and hope they grow bigger. They are big enough to fill a 38B bra. The part I don't like is that I had to buy a bra because my nipples are so sensitive it drives me crazy when my shirt rubs across them. And now that it is getting cold outside my nipples are always stiff and it makes them even more sensitive. I bought a bra because my wife actually suggested it to me. She said that it would help with the sensitivity and she was correct. She doesn't have an issue with me wearing a bra or growing breasts for all that matters.
 I accept the fact I have breasts and since I do, I just want some that are large enough to play with.
 Angel, have you done anything to get them to grow like that or are they all natural.

Offline angel_allen

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mine have grown since i got a piuitary problem. I make no LH so my balls dont make testosterone. this isnt that uncommon. If they diagnose it quickly you can get hrt that will get rid of the gye but after its been there a while it will stay even with the T replacement (Im cool with my boobs tho!)


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