Author Topic: Here are my gals ....  (Read 9740 times)


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Having seen others' pictures, I figured I'd further introduce myself by posting a couple pics of my 'condition', aka my 'girls'.
My daughter (adopted from Asia) says she hates that dad has bigger boobs than she does - but at least we can joke about it.

Offline CrewdsX

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Hey man! Your breast looks really from woman! I am 15 year old guy who also suffers from gynecomastia.l I suggest you to try a bra fitting in a bra store. It's really comfortable wearing bra. Also alot of bras would look really nice on you.


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Hey man! Your breast looks really from woman! I am 15 year old guy who also suffers from gynecomastia.l I suggest you to try a bra fitting in a bra store. It's really comfortable wearing bra. Also alot of bras would look really nice on you.

I'm working on convincing my wife that a bra is necessary for support - and I'm going to get an opinion tomorrow when I get my mammogram.  As to the 'womanly' look to them, that's most likely a result of my hormones being totally wonky.  I've gotten to like them (mostly); could be a function of age and an increasing attitude of "I don't care what others think."  And as long as I've got breasts, I'd like to keep them 'perky' and not let them get saggy. :)


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As we say here on the forum, bras were made to support breast, what difference does it matter if those breast are on a man or a woman?  The bra is just an article of clothing!

 If you start to wear panties, panty hose and other things like some of the guys do, then your wife can start to worry!

Offline CrewdsX

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Hey man! Your breast looks really from woman! I am 15 year old guy who also suffers from gynecomastia.l I suggest you to try a bra fitting in a bra store. It's really comfortable wearing bra. Also alot of bras would look really nice on you.

I'm working on convincing my wife that a bra is necessary for support - and I'm going to get an opinion tomorrow when I get my mammogram.  As to the 'womanly' look to them, that's most likely a result of my hormones being totally wonky.  I've gotten to like them (mostly); could be a function of age and an increasing attitude of "I don't care what others think."  And as long as I've got breasts, I'd like to keep them 'perky' and not let them get saggy. :)

Wish you luck! Hope your wife agrees with you because it feels really comfortable wearing bra than without. You should try your wife's bra first so you will get an idea how it feels but when it was properly fitted on you, it really feels good wearing one!

Offline dbweb

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Hey Hammer, I have to take exception to what you said, but hear me out first.

I have had to wear medical support Panty Hose for about 30 years now due to very poor leg veins.  Shortly after starting this, I learned that ladies full briefs were much more comfortable under these than my briefs, as they did not have the extra seams in them to be compressed by the high compression hose.
About 12 years ago, I had surgery done to remove a bunch of the bad veins and though this would give me a reprieve from wearing this compression hosiery, and it did for a couple of years until I suffered another deep vein clot and had to go in for treatment.  My vein doctors said it is back to the support pantyhose for life now, and by my choice, the ladies full briefs under that for some level of comfort.
The use of bras came more recently, about 5-6 years ago again at docs suggestion.

Is my wife worried, only if I don't wear my support hose daily!!


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Understandable under your circumstances they do make some men's under wear now that is compatible if not better. I wear moisture wicking buy Nike. I also wear medical support hose too, 20/30 as needed, when needed for water retention.

You are wearing them as a medical condition requirement, a lot of the other guys have written such things as "I feel like a woman up there and a man down there", "I now live as a woman full time" "I dress this way because it fits so much better or feels so much better"!
To me such statements are more like "I'm a crossdresser statement" then this is for medical reseasons.

Offline dbweb

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Thanks for understanding.  
Having said that, at some stage even though some of us think that the clothing we wear is only functional, there is the thought that what may be gender specific  or considered cross dressing, is simply comfortable to us and just fits our needs, so where is that line you mention?  
As far as this being a sexual thing, it seems that with older age, not much concern about that either, at least in my case anyway. I would look very silly in a dress (am out of place in shirt and tie as well) and am a pants person to start with, so that is not an issue either.


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I'm one that doesn't own either, that is a tie or a dress! If I wasn't going to be cremated when I die, I've told my family if they were to put me in any type of dress clothes I would come back to haunt them!
« Last Edit: October 04, 2017, 07:34:38 PM by hammer »

Offline Paa_Paw

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How funny.  I am a guy who likes to get dressed up, but only as a male.  The only time a suit and tie are appropriate for me is usually Sunday.  Once in a while there is a weekday event where the suit is appropriate, but that is all.  I collect ties.  I have more Christmas scene ties than I can wear in a year.  (Thanksgiving to New Years)  On a rainy day, It hard to decide which depiction of Noah and the Ark I should wear. I try to make a point of not wearing the same tie twice in the same year.  As for my burial, I will be wearing a plain white tie, because that is proper with my Temple clothing. 
Grandpa Dan


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Uniforms were the closest I ever got to dressing up, that is my dress uniform! Some had rank on the sleeves, some had unite crest on the sleeves as well and others also had badges too and they also had ties, but as a civilian, I had no ties!

And yes we have no bananas either, lol!


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Hey Hammer, I have to take exception to what you said, but hear me out first.

I have had to wear medical support Panty Hose for about 30 years now due to very poor leg veins.  Shortly after starting this, I learned that ladies full briefs were much more comfortable under these than my briefs, as they did not have the extra seams in them to be compressed by the high compression hose.
About 12 years ago, I had surgery done to remove a bunch of the bad veins and though this would give me a reprieve from wearing this compression hosiery, and it did for a couple of years until I suffered another deep vein clot and had to go in for treatment.  My vein doctors said it is back to the support pantyhose for life now, and by my choice, the ladies full briefs under that for some level of comfort.
The use of bras came more recently, about 5-6 years ago again at docs suggestion.

Is my wife worried, only if I don't wear my support hose daily!!

I have that same thing going on. I wear support hose when I am going to be on my feet for the day. I have hereditary varicose veins. I have been wearing regular Sheer Energy support hose to help with the issue. The difference is night and day how my legs feel after an 8 hour shift. I don't have a problem with edema in my legs, so compression stockings are not necessary.  

So, I do wear a bra, women's briefs ( because of my hips and thighs)and panty hose to work every day. They help me, fit me, and allow me to work comfortably and be a good provider. I think thats the bottom line when it comes to being a good man. It's not about what department you buy you're underwear and hosiery from.


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In the end it's all just cloth...  We wear what works for us.


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Aboywithgirls, just curious, do you have children?

Offline Busty

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Your breasts are quite full and feminine.  I think you are way beyond being able to go about braless, both for comfort and appearance.  What is your wife's reaction to you having breasts bigger than a lot of women?


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