Author Topic: How bad is it?  (Read 3749 times)

Offline PrinceC416

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First of all I'd like to know if it even is Gynecomastia, I've had it since I was about 13 and I'm now 17 and quite sure it is.

But how bad do you guys think it is on a scale from 1 - 10? I've been so embarrassed of it, and its been affecting my social life. Although I'm not trying to be more confident in myself and do things, but what should I do about it?

Offline PrinceC416

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Anybody? :/


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Just an idea! Take your picture and post it here with your your question so people could see it there! This would make it much easier and more convenient. To do this take a small JPEG photo and use the addition options under the writing area of the post area. Do remember to use a low pixel pic.


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      Looks like a mild case of gynecomastia. I guess its TYPE 1 gynecomastia (gland only and no fatty tissue).

Since your still young I guess you can visit an endocrinologists to get your harmones checked. May some medication will help prevent further glad enlargement.

You can go for medication to check your hormone balance. I believe you should not consider surgery as your are still in your teens and hormones still not balanced. You may consider surgery if the issue persists when you are in your 20s.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Cannot see your photographs, but for this answer I do not need to see them.

How bad the condition is has nothing to do with either size or shape. The reason being that there is rarely any physical problems connected with the condition. The problems, if any, are Psychological and they can be severe.

If you can simply go through life and ignore the condition then it is not bad. If the condition causes you to be depressed,  have feelings of diminished self worth, or to be socially withdrawn;  then it is really bad.

What is on your chest does not make the condition bad, what it is doing between your ears is what is important.
Grandpa Dan


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