Author Topic: My body doesn't make me less of a man  (Read 3815 times)

Offline CallofDanny

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I am beginning to understand that whether I'm overweight or right where I'm supposed to be the moobs are here to stay. I am taking strides to own up and be confident about my body. I have very little body hair, a large backside, and a full c cup but still I won't fall to depression. I will hear the snickers and not even bat an eye. I will continue to allow my loving fiancé to indulge in these curves. It's rough but my body doesn't make me less of a man. Much love everyone
Feel free to message me to chat


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Friend, you are more man then many out there because you can accept who you are, because it's what is in your heart and head that makes you who you are not your body!

I'm one of the old timers here that had gyno in my teens, did my time in the military with breast, had my own business with breast, fathered 5 kids, with breast, now will soon have my 5th grandchild and I'm fitting into a 46H bra to support my breasts!

I've gone through 8 other surgeries including 3 major back and both knee replacement and the last thing I'm going to do is worry about is having breast, because there is much more important things in life to be concerned about.

So my brother, hold your head high and don't worry about what others think, after all, what's looking back at them in their mirrors may not look that nice in their own mind either, and they might be just as worried that you are thinking bad things about them too, lol!

Offline CallofDanny

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Thank you for your service, happy Father's Day, and god bless you my friend


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Thank you for your service, happy Father's Day, and god bless you my friend

God bless you as well! 

Offline walt

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a real man is someone who can accept themselves for what and who they are breasts or not .a positive body self image is by far the most important thing in my opinion.
And a happy Fathers day to all.

Offline Paa_Paw

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What makes a person a man is not what is not what is on his chest, but what is between his ears. 
Grandpa Dan


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