I have learned to accept what comes my way. That said it took me some time to even want to post here. I felt everyone here pretty much has it figured out like I do. I do however accept my need for support and enjoy the fact I can wear something nice looking that gives me comfort and makes me happy.
And why should breast comfort and support be sole domain of women? When stated like that, it's hard to defend against that. Everyone has breasts. Men. Women. Non-binary. If you are a homo sapien, you have breasts. Some have developed breasts, some don't. Some women do not have developed breasts. Some men do have developed breasts. It's society that perpetrates this myth that only women wear support for their develop breasts for comfort, support and appearance. With that thinking, men who have developed breasts are SOL. I say BS. Anyone who has developed breasts, no matter what gender, deserves to be comfortable, supported and be happy with their appearance. So Parity, you do you. That's your right. That's all of ours right.