Author Topic: If you wear a bra, how does your wife feel about it?  (Read 5436 times)


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Having followed conversations on this forum for several years, I have noticed, as somebody pointed out in another thread, how our wives feel about us wearing feminine apparel seems to be all over the road.  Some are completely OK with it to the point that we wear each others' bras and go shopping together.  Others are so strongly opposed to it that we have to do it in secret or are simply forbidden to wear bras, even in cases where one of us desperately needs to. 

My wife is actually the person who pointed out that I was starting to look like a B cup (closer to C these days) and bought me my first sports bra.  I think she has mixed emotions about it, but she understands that I need it for comfort and doesn't give me grief over it.  She is completely aware that I wear bras and knows exactly what is in my underwear drawer.  She doesn't even seem to mind that I own more bras that she does.

If you wear a bra or want to, is your wife aware of it or do you have to do it in secret?  If she knows about it, does she understand and support you or does she pitch a fit or somewhere in between?  I have seen comments from one extreme to the other.  Where are you?

Offline blad

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My wife is supportive of me wearing bras. I put them in the laundry bin and they end up in my bra drawer ready to go.

Many years ago she mentioned that I needed a bra, but I already new that.
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline curiousk

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Felix, like your wife, my wife has mixed emotions as well.  When I brought up the idea of wearing a bra, she just said ok, whatever makes you feel comfortable.  I'm sure that she wouldn't have a husband not wearing a bra, but she's dealing with it.  I have my bras in my dresser drawer and I don't hid them from her.  I have more bras that she does, which she isn't happy about it.  

We are not the same size so we can't wear each others bras.   My wife hates the idea of bra shopping so I don't think there will be a time we'll do that.  

Fortunately, she is supportive of me wearing a bra. My breasts are definitely big enough to use the support of wearing a bra.  She asked if I wanted surgery.  I told her no because of the expensive, the surgery risk, but more importantly, I like them.  I've had them since I was 11 years old and all I've decided to do was support them.   

Offline paulpark21

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As far as I can surmise, my wife is okay with me wearing.  She has never said anything detrimental about my wearing, but nothing positive either.  She washes mine and dries them as I requested (no drier). She sees me when I am dressing,  wearing just a bra on top and makes no comments.  

Offline Evolver

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Disclaimer: I don't actually need to wear a bra. I have A-Cup pseudo gyno but face the prospect of real gyno due to a medical condition (which is what brought me here) and coincidentally I have been wearing bras for fun for years. Hey, it's a weekend thing!

My wife has been totally cool with it, even if I have my suspicions that she doesn't completely understand. If and when I do actually need to wear a bra for support and comfort, I don't expect any problems simply due to the fact that she is used to it.

Offline Traveler

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While not enthusiastic over my breast development, she has come to accept the fact I need to wear a bra and will shop on line for bras and tops with me. She has no problem handling them when we do the wash either. She is well aware of my growth and while I’m now a DD she is still far more “gifted” in the bust, so I think that helps.

Offline zztzz

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She's totally cool with it and even finds it attractive. But we'd like to keep it private. I'm a 40b. I have a few underwires and sports bras. They do have quite a bit of movement to them, and they are pretty obvious in appearance while in most shirts. I do my best to embrace it and yet hide it from the general judgmental public.   

Offline taxmapper

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Mine has actually shared links of soem bras to look at online. 

Were also Pinterest digital hoarders!!!   

so I sent a copy of a leather corset (breast armour) and was told.. 

"oh you'll look great in that!!" 

Though joking, I wondered.. 

Offline Traveler

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While not enthusiastic over my breast development, she has come to accept the fact I need to wear a bra and will shop on line for bras and tops with me. She has no problem handling them when we do the wash either. She is well aware of my growth and while I’m now a DD she is still far more “gifted” in the bust, so I think that helps.
Looks like I need to change my answer a bit. We were out running errands and needed to stop at Lane Bryant’s for an exchange for her. Bras were on sale and she picked out two pretty racey ones (in my mind) for me!!! Holy crap!!! One of them she told me I can’t wear out of the house and I’m good with that. Having this kind of support is invaluable.

Offline curiousk

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You are a lucky man.  I can’t see my wife doing that for me.  


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When I had the discussion with her about it, she told me she completely understands my needing the support of a bra. I feel it has made us closer in that we sometimes joke and talk about bras. Its just one more thing we have in common and I love her for it

Offline brock123

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Well, at first she was seemingly onboard with it and even took me "shopping" once at Target/online (my goal has always been to hide/suppress), but after that I found that she would avoid hugging me or any activity that might remind her that I was wearing a female garment.  That was pretty devastating.

In my case it's just fat, but it's still a problem.  I've managed to work my way down from a size 38 waist to a size 34 waist, but I still carry more fat in my chest than I should; that's just me.  I would honestly prefer to be wearing a sports bra every day, and I still do when she has no chance of noticing this; but that's not in the cards.  If I want to stand any chance of intimacy with her, she would prefer me bare-chested, boobs and all.

It's bittersweet; I still (and apparently will always) have man boobs and while I would prefer to not be this way my wife seems to think this is something that can be "played with" and elicit a sexual response (nope) in private, but seemingly has a different opinion in public.  To me, this means that there is no real "acceptance" here; it's just a novelty that might be played to additional affection.  Truth be told, screwing around with "them" is essentially just painful.

Offline jfeiro

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I have been wearing bras fulltime for about 6-7 yrs. And panties for about 12 yrs. She is ok with the panties but not fully onboard with the bras but doesn’t say anything.


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No wife... any longer :-) I do have a long time girlfriend and she LOVES my boobs (currently a 36B) and has no issues with the sport bras I wear for concealment. 

She knows I have other more fem garments but the one time she saw one she chuckled so I don't wear one around her. 

Offline Sunrae

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I don't think she's thrilled about it, but she also knows how I look if I don't wear one and perhaps am wearing only a t-shirt.  She doesn't seem shocked or otherwise negatively affected if she rubs her hand over my shoulder or back and feels it under my shirt.  I was not as much in the habit of wearing a bra when I was an 'A', but since growing to a 'B' I need the support more.  I'm sure that being gifted with 'D' cups, she has empathy for not wanting to be braless.  I think she's accepting overall that I don't wear bras in ways that stand out obvious, and if we're going to be with other family I go without so no one feels it while hugging.


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