Author Topic: When did you finally 'accept' your gyno?  (Read 1993 times)


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Knowing you have gynecomastia and actually accepting that you have gynecomastia are too different things. 
We can have the diagnosis, but still believe it can be hidden. 
We can also have the diagnosis, and not care anymore. 
Some of us actually embrace it. 

Where are y'all at in acceptance?


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Knowing you have gynecomastia and actually accepting that you have gynecomastia are too different things.
We can have the diagnosis, but still believe it can be hidden.
We can also have the diagnosis, and not care anymore.
Some of us actually embrace it.

Where are y'all at in acceptance?
I would say prior to coming here to this forum I was in the 'it can be hidden' group. 
After about a month with the help of y'all here, I moved into the 'not caring' group. 
As time progressed I have embraced my gynecomastia, it's part of my body and put there by intelligent design. I quite enjoy the fact that I have boobs. 


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I know I have banged this drum before but I think it is absolutely crucial to acceptance, so please indulge me. 

You don't "have" anything. Not even a diagnosis because there is no condition to diagnose. 
All men have breasts and, like women they come in all sizes.
Gynecomastia is merely a convenient term to  describe breasts above the 50th centile in men.
You are not at all unusual, there are plenty of us about as this forum proves and if you look around there are plenty  of men who ought to be on this forum. 
We are normal, but the acceptance of this fact that we all yearn for will never come to be unless we stop using language and behaviour that is foisted on us. 
At risk of being banned, The medical fraternity (some of whom tolerate us here) have no interest in shouting this out. They make an absolute packet out of this supposedly abnormal "condition" 


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Exactly.  I have always accepted me for me.  If I don't fit that norm as mentioned so what.  Doesn't make those that fall one side of that or the other any less of normal.  My humble opinion.  Every one has a multitude of forces affecting them making them normal for themselves.


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I know I have banged this drum before but I think it is absolutely crucial to acceptance, so please indulge me.

You don't "have" anything. Not even a diagnosis because there is no condition to diagnose.
All men have breasts and, like women they come in all sizes.
Gynecomastia is merely a convenient term to  describe breasts above the 50th centile in men.
You are not at all unusual, there are plenty of us about as this forum proves and if you look around there are plenty  of men who ought to be on this forum.
We are normal, but the acceptance of this fact that we all yearn for will never come to be unless we stop using language and behaviour that is foisted on us.
At risk of being banned, The medical fraternity (some of whom tolerate us here) have no interest in shouting this out. They make an absolute packet out of this supposedly abnormal "condition"
Good point!
Some estimates place gynecomastia to be effecting up to 50% of all males over 50. Doesn't that prove it not to be a medical condition, but rather the norm?
Women come in all shapes and sizes, so do men. 🤔


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Medics especially younger ones fall into this trap all the time.
In my own speciality (ante natal ultrasound) when looking at growth we regard any growth from 25th - 75th centile to be average and normal. Anything in between is average and normal as long as growth doesn't start crossing centile lines. Any steady growth pattern outside 25-75 centile is also probably normal, just not average.
You would be astounded as to how any medics regard anything not bang on the 50 centile as abnormal.
There is a wide range of average and also a wide range of normality outwith average. 
I am very happy. Why be average when you can be special? 

Offline blad

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It was extremely embarrassing and traumatic developing breasts as a teen, the social contacts reminded you of it all the time and kept me very self conscious. 

An unexpected quirk was to give into trying a bra after relentless comments that I needed one. Trying a bra for the first time was a pivotal turning point in my acceptance. I was truly astonished that I did fit a bra so well and how it felt to wear one. It just felt right to wear a bra with having breasts from that point on. I started to enjoy my breasts in private with a bra, while still having to deflect comments in public at school.

In a vacuum, I would have been totally content with wearing a bra daily to manage my breasts without negativity. It is fitting into society and the perceived concerns of wearing a bra in public that were the initial barriers, not my own negativity after discovering how a bra worked for me.

Fortunately I eventually moved to wearing a bra full time. Part of it was I discovered I hated the sensations of being braless and unsupported breasts. Besides liking wearing a bra, I needed one for bet comfort.
If the bra fits, wear it.


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I am just going to admit that for me my gyno was a blessing. I have always been a mix of the sexes and hated my male body! So when my micro-penis became even smaller and my breast became larger I was very happy. Of course, there have been problems with the world, but not in my head, I am at peace most of the time. I do get upset at times when I know I should not wear something that the world will condemn as only for women, but I work around it! My breast are 2 cup sizes larger than my mother's were so I don't think they are going to get any larger.

I have always been different so I really don't have a frame of reference for what it would be like for a man to grow breasts, I always felt I should have had them from the beginning.
I removed the 'male' gender classification from my profile as I just don't think it really fits. It never did.
I too have always had a micro-penis and started developing breasts and curves in my teens. My parents questioned it and we had to look it up in ancient Jewish writings. In Hebrew I am what is called a 'Saris'.
My latest growth and emotional rollercoaster had me doubting even further my gender classification.

So, for the record, I am simply 'Birdie'. another user on the forum. I don't know if I would call this a 'coming out', but rather a clarification of what I'm not.

For the moment I am somewhere over the rainbow. :o
« Last Edit: May 17, 2023, 04:39:48 AM by 💁Birdie »


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I am just going to admit that for me my gyno was a blessing. I have always been a mix of the sexes and hated my male body! So when my micro-penis became even smaller and my breast became larger I was very happy. Of course, there have been problems with the world, but not in my head, I am at peace most of the time. I do get upset at times when I know I should not wear something that the world will condemn as only for women, but I work around it! My breast are 2 cup sizes larger than my mother's were so I don't think they are going to get any larger.

I have always been different so I really don't have a frame of reference for what it would be like for a man to grow breasts, I always felt I should have had them from the beginning.
I removed the 'male' gender classification from my profile as I just don't think it really fits. It never did.
I too have always had a micro-penis and started developing breasts and curves in my teens. My parents questioned it and we had to look it up in ancient Jewish writings. In Hebrew I am what is called a 'Saris'.
My latest growth and emotional rollercoaster had me doubting even further my gender classification.

So, for the record, I am simply 'Birdy'. another user on the forum. I don't know if I would call this a 'coming out', but rather a clarification of what I'm not.

For the moment I am somewhere over the rainbow. :o
Trust me birdy when I say I understand. For 35 to 40 years I used to say I was a lesbian trapped in a male body. My family thought I was joking, I was not! My wife said she is fine with it all so long as I kept my penis. Well, that lasted about 22 years and now we are just close friends and really in love with each other. But she said she is not a lesbian and so we can no longer have ANY type of sexual relations. Not that my male parts worked anyway and she always said that I made love like a woman, I can have multiple orgasms, just not the man juice kind.
Ok now everyone can go poke out your mind's eye. ;D

So as you can see I am not normal at all. But I am me and I try to be the best me I can be.
'Lesbian' is one of the classifications that has crossed my mind lately. 🤔


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Exactly! That is what the term 'saris' means in Hebrew. "Born male to later develop female attributes".

I was barely born male, but puberty sent me the other direction. My parents knew it, my friends sensed it, but society insisted I keep the lie continuing. I spent my whole adult life hiding my boobs from the world, and hiding myself. 

My daughter understands, and is open to 'whatever fits'. My wife, not so much. She had a major problem about the time I left 'B cup territory'.  

I am exactly as intelligent design determined I should be. If I'm not 100% male, I won't claim to be anymore. 😉


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Trust me birdy when I say I understand. For 35 to 40 years I used to say I was a lesbian trapped in a male body. My family thought I was joking, I was not! My wife said she is fine with it all so long as I kept my penis. Well, that lasted about 22 years and now we are just close friends and really in love with each other. But she said she is not a lesbian and so we can no longer have ANY type of sexual relations. Not that my male parts worked anyway and she always said that I made love like a woman, I can have multiple orgasms, just not the man juice kind.
Ok now everyone can go poke out your mind's eye. ;D

So as you can see I am not normal at all. But I am me and I try to be the best me I can be.
Since we're getting personal, I guess I can divulge more information as well.
I also used to be able to have multiple orgasms. My wife didn't complain about those, my decrease in libido down to 'zero' was a shocker for her.
The micro-penis shrank even further to the point that there really isn't anything there anymore. I have had to sit down to pee for years otherwise I pee all over myself..there really isn't anything to hold onto. 🙄

Basically why I'm not upset at her leaving in the least. 


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Ok, I'll admit I'm a pee sitter as well! It's just too short.
All my life!
I tried standing up and it goes everywhere. 🙄


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Same with me.  I couldn't stand the feeling of it on my bare legs so sat.  Then came the UV light and yes it's amazing how bad the walls get from that.  My wife used to tease me till I asked her to check the walls and asked her to stand with her back to the pot and see how much she felt on the back of her legs.  She didn't but got the point. 

  Not for everyone but made me happy.


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I too prefer to sit. With the exception of sketchy gas stations or portable toilets, I would say 99 out of 100 times I will sit. A shoulder bag / purse/ fanny-pack / etc.... is helpful for brining along wipes with everything else that doesn't fit into tiny or non existent pockets.


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This may come as a shock to some of you, but, I also sit to pee. 😉



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