Author Topic: 2 in a half months after surgery  (Read 7622 times)

Offline dog123

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im about 2 in a half months after surgery,I think ( I hope) that it is still swollen around my nipples. It looks better except around the nipple area on my left and right. There still kind of puffy and stick out like they used to. They look better and I realize they wont look perfect afterwards but I am not satisfied yet and I am hoping that they are still a little swollen and this is not the final product. Anyone know exactly how long the swelling lasts?


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im about 2 in a half months after surgery,I think ( I hope) that it is still swollen around my nipples. It looks better except around the nipple area on my left and right. There still kind of puffy and stick out like they used to. They look better and I realize they wont look perfect afterwards but I am not satisfied yet and I am hoping that they are still a little swollen and this is not the final product. Anyone know exactly how long the swelling lasts?

2 1/2 months can be very early after surgery with some techniques.

Posting Standard After Gynecomastia Pictures can help other better understand your concerns.

Early after surgery swelling can mask residual deformity.  How Tissues Evolve After Gynecomastia Surgery depend on many factors. Firm tissues after surgery can be residual gland, but also can just be healing tissues or scars.  Different surgical techniques injure tissues to different degrees.  The body typically needs to heal before considering revision surgery. Rushing into secondary surgery can be a mistake unless there are complications that need to be addressed or the next surgery is component of a staged procedure.  Time to tissues softening can vary depending on the original problem, what was done, after surgery care,
Scar Care, After Surgery Compression Garments, and many other factors. Options depend on the problem to be treated. Time can range from 6 months to a year but can vary depending on many issues best explored with your doctor.

After the swelling has resolved, remaining tissues can still be a deforming factor.
I see many patients who complain of residual Puffy Nipple Gynecomastia after another doctor's surgery.  There are many possible problems causing such a deformity.  The most common is remaining gland behind the areola as seen in these Anatomy of Puffy Nipple Drawings.  Check out the images with the link for remaining gland after surgery to see what I mean. 

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Revision Gynecomastia Chest Surgery

Offline dog123

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Thank you, I should probably wait at least another couple of months before conclusion. I had both lipo but during surgery there was more tissue than the doctor anticipated so he did have to do alot of work with the scapula, i also had the tubes in for the first 48 hours, and then two weeks after removed had to get one side drained. I also lift weights frequently which causes the swelling to be different on different days.


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Thank you, I should probably wait at least another couple of months before conclusion. I had both lipo but during surgery there was more tissue than the doctor anticipated so he did have to do alot of work with the scapula, i also had the tubes in for the first 48 hours, and then two weeks after removed had to get one side drained. I also lift weights frequently which causes the swelling to be different on different days.

New swelling can be the sign of new injury. With the best surgery, swelling peaks during surgery and then continues to decrease as tissues evolve. Some techniques damage the lymphatics, tissue drainage system and can take several months before swelling begins to subside.  Hematoma Complications can also slow the healing process.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Revision Gynecomastia and Chest Surgery

Offline wantnewlife

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am just wondering if you just have swelling or swelling+pain also..
do you have any pain when you press the region around nipples?

Offline dog123

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yes there tender in the area. I work out so when i do things like jumproping or quick hops theyalso start hurting. But they do not have to hurt to be swollen necessarily.

Offline rayray416

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I am in the same boat.....2 and 1/2 months post surgery.....Nipples still appear puffy, which was my biggest reason for the surgery.  MD promised me a flat chest.....VERY disappointed.  I actually tape them down in hopes of helping them to shrink or sink in.  Nice to see I am not alone, but I wish for better reason.  We spent alot of money to fix this problem and it still partially exists.  Whats next?


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