Author Topic: 3 Month Post-op, Possible Re-growth  (Read 3853 times)

Offline tsubasa

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Hello all,

I had a gynecomastia surgery about 3 months ago.
After two weeks before I left the country to come back to U.S. my doctor checked with a syringe to see if there is any liquid causing swelling. There was no at the time.

After a month there was some swelling both sides but especially the right side.
I visited a doctor here and he said it is normal, nothing to worry about. It will go away.

Now it has been 3 months but the swelling on the right side is even more. I am not even sure if it is swelling or re-growth of the tissue.
I am so worried it will come back.

Please take a look at the photos of the different phases and let me know what you think and what I should do.

(Some photos were taken directly while some were taken on the mirror. So right/left side may differ from photo to photo )



1 Week Post-Op

1 Month Post-Op

3 Months Post-Op

Offline sunny007

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your 1 Week Post-Op photo look normal and last also look normal but crater in nipple area is increased. ur skin looks saggy n unable to adustwith the empty area due to removal of gland .
i think it get normal as time passes

Offline tsubasa

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Holding my arms up or down may affect how it looks but it that not the case.
It might be hard to see on the photos but when I look on the mirror I see the difference. It's bigger than it was 1-2 months ago.

What is the procedure if there is still swelling 3-4 months after the surgery?

Offline tsubasa

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I wasn't aware of the regrowth discussion on the forum.

The history of my gynecomastia goes back to junior high years, around 13-14.
I am slightly overweight since then.
I didn't take any medications. They did the hormonal test before the surgery. Everything was normal.

I am not saying it is regrowth. After the surgery my doctor said don't use your arms, or lift heavy stuff for some time. Otherwise it may collect some liquid under the tissue and cause swelling. I am thinking this might be the reason.

I was searching the internet to find the medical term for removing the liquid causing swelling on the breast.
I found "fine needle aspiration". This may or may not be the right term. I went to doctor about 2 months ago for this procedure but he said it is fine. Now it is bigger. Is it possible to collect more liquid 3 months after the surgery?

Offline tsubasa

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Any input from doctors?


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Hello all,

I had a gynecomastia surgery about 3 months ago.
After two weeks before I left the country to come back to U.S. my doctor checked with a syringe to see if there is any liquid causing swelling. There was no at the time.

After a month there was some swelling both sides but especially the right side.
I visited a doctor here and he said it is normal, nothing to worry about. It will go away.

Now it has been 3 months but the swelling on the right side is even more. I am not even sure if it is swelling or re-growth of the tissue.
I am so worried it will come back.

Please take a look at the photos of the different phases and let me know what you think and what I should do.

(Some photos were taken directly while some were taken on the mirror. So right/left side may differ from photo to photo )

Standard After Gynecomastia Surgery Pictures can better help others understand your concerns. 

How Tissues Evolve After Gynecomastia Surgery depends on the original problem, what was done, weight changes, how stable the gynecomastia was, and many other factors.  For some types of surgery, the initial swelling after the operation can hide remaining deformity.

Regrowth After Gynecomastia Surgery can occur but has been extremely rare in my practice.

Crater Deformity After Gynecomastia Surgery can look bad on the male chest.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Revision Gynecomastia and Chest Surgery

Offline jfk8

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hey tsubasa

Did your doctor also do lipo or only gland removal? My doc explained you can't do gland only because it will leave large 'craters' where the gland used to be and your nipples will sink - which appears to be your case (?).

Look at my pictures. The doc removed the gland and then evened out the 'crater' around the removed gland.


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