Author Topic: 5 weeks post-op ,left side larger than right  (Read 10321 times)

Offline braveboy

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Anyone have any advice or has anyone experienced the same thing,I'm 5 weeks post-op and i had lipo and tissue removed.the Dr removed the same amount of fat out 500 cc each side and about 25grams of tissue from each side.My problem is that from the first day post-op my left side has been larger than my right and till this day it is still noticably larger than the right side.The left side seems alot fuller over all and i can pinch alot more of something,don't know if it is fat ,tissue or just swallon alot more.Don't know if time will even things out but right now i'm very upset about this.The right is fine other than i'm concave when i raise my arm,but not in the left.Will this fix it self,if anyone has or is experiencing this please replly all feed back about this will be appeciated.Thank you 

Offline Mr_Nip

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IMHO, I think 5 weeks post op is still early to start forming an opinion on the final results.  Swelling can be different from side to side and scarring can pull dents in until massaging breaks up the scarring.  I would say that in a couple more months time you'll be better able to see where your final results are headed.  Have you had a follow-up appointment lately, or have you at least called and voiced your concerns?

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Offline SomeDude420

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i wouldnt worry about it at this point.  does it look bruised at all, or does it feel kind of hard and lumpy? if so, it might be a hematoma, which is nothing to worry about. I had a very large hematoma on my right side for about a month post op, then over time it drained and now its aloottttttt better.  just give it time and you will start to see how it will look, unless there is some other problem i dont know.

Offline braveboy

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At my 1 week follow up appointment i mentioned it to the DR and he said that he took the same out on both sides,i see the DR again in 2 days we'll see what he says then.I know 5 week is early to pass jugdement on the results but i have not seen any change as far as size goes since day 1.I am not bruised at all or yellowish at all,i am still sore on both sides i do feel scar underneath that seem to be getting softer.the right side even though has an indentention does look alot better than the left.

Offline Mr_Nip

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Ok, let's see what the doc says in a couple of days.  I'm 90% sure he'll say you've got some swelling.  Swelling is likely to be with you for the next couple of months and possibly longer.  It can even affect one side more than the other.  I'm not trying to defend the surgeon, either... You could need a revision later, but there's really no way to predict the final results now at 5 weeks.  All you can do at this point is communicate your concerns to the PS and try not to worry about it for now.  BTW, he'll probably tell you to start massaging, too.  When he does, do it religeously. 

Offline braveboy

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I say my dr today and he noticed right away that my left side was larger than my right,At first he thought that it could possiblely be fluid in the chest so he wanted to be sure and tried to take out with a needle but nothing came out,he seemed to be happy that it wasn't swallon because of fluid build up.He came to the conclusion that it is swallon more than the right side and that it was like that because ge did more work on that side.he said that i need to give it more time for the swellon to go down but he warned me that it will go down but still not as much as the right one,that they will not be the same but not as much noticable as now.I do believe him that he did more work on the left sie beause it took me alot longer to get movement back in the left side and it was alot more painful than the right.So it sounds like i have alot more healling to do ,i hope he's right and it will shrink.

Offline braveboy

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I'm 6 weeks post op tomorrow and i was told that i can stop wearing my compressing vest.My left side is sill larger than my right so i'm woundering if i should continue to wear the vest maybe just at night.What are the pro and cons with wearing the vest longer.

Offline Mr_Nip

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There are no cons to wearing the vest longer, at least according to my PS.  If you feel you need more compression in one area then maybe you could add some foam padding for more pressure there. 

Offline braveboy

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Finally 6 weeks post -op and say bye bye to the vest as per the dr.My chest is alot more sore today without the vest on and i notice also i now have a large crease appear under my nipple, is this some what normal?Should i put the vest back on?

Offline braveboy

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yes,i do have pre op pictures not posted yet waiting a bit longer will post with post op pictures,had sugery end of nov

Offline elderkid

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Offline braveboy

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Offline braveboy

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At 7 weeks post-op and left side still larger than right and now that i'm not wearing the compression vest during the day only at night i have about a 5 inch crease below my right nipple running left to right.WHY,WHY,.This is the same crease i had right after surgery and it slowly disappeared and now it has reappeared.I can't catch a break.the creae is not as noticable when i've been weaing the vest.

Offline braveboy

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I think i would of felt better if i would of donated my $5000 to a homeless person instead of a rich DR.just letting out some steam.pre op i would take my shirt off all the time at beach,pool,etc now i don't think i will.

Offline 808gyno

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I can relate to the disappointment when you're not satisfied with the results of your surgery, brother.  I also feel as if my money would have been better spent on many other things.


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