Author Topic: Almost 6 weeks post op. What do you guys think?  (Read 8211 times)

Offline Bob_Boob

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Hi. First time post here but been lurking for a while. I may be wrong here, but it looks to me like you do a fair amount of flat bench pressing and virtually nothing on incline because your lower pecs aren't too bad but near the clavicle there's almost no pectoral development.

I would try hitting the inclines HARD during your chest sessions for a few months. Like either do all your movements incline or if you want to do a bit of flat benching, do it last.

Personally whenever I train my chest I will do 3 or 4 incline movements and only one flat or decline movement. I virtually never do the flat press first.

I would give that a go for a while as well. If nothing else it will make your chest look a lot thicker up top and improve the overall look of it anyway.

Hmm interesting because I actually do an equal amount between flat and incline. I agree that my upper chest is lacking compared to the lower region. Maybe I'll start off with incline instead. Thanks.

Also, I split my routines to chest/shoulders/tris, back/bis, and legs

Offline Bob_Boob

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May also be worth increasing volume for your chest overall, with a heavy incline focus. I don't know if you train muscles once a week, twice, three times, full body, 6 way split, 2 way split, whatever. Either way I would consider adding in more upper chest work either by adding volume when you do train it and lowering volume for everything else or if you don't train it more often than anything else add an extra day in for it and hit it more often, again reducing volume or frequency a little for everything else.

As an example if you trained full body three times a week with a chest, back, leg, shoulder, bi and tri exercise each time you may want to consider one time dropping the shoulder exercise, another drop the tri, another drop the bi and replace with a chest exercise.

If you train a muscle once a week split five ways you may want to consider instead of (for example) chest-back-shoulders-legs-arms something like chest-arms-back-chest-shoulders-legs. Your weights for tris and shoulder presses may take a hit initially training them the day after chest but they'll soon catch back up and I'm guessing getting your chest looking pukka is more of a priority than anything else.

Just a question, but at what degree do you do your inclines? I usually do them at around 30 degrees, but I'm thinking that might be a little low. What do you think?

Offline Poobs

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If you mean degrees above flat I would guess I go anywhere between around 15 and 40 and lower nearer my clavicle/neck than nipple. Always wide grip.

Here's an idea for you then - think about exercises and where they'll stimulate. For your chest exercises go pure incline and for tricep think about if you'd benefit more from rope extensions or an incline close grip bench press.

Offline Bob_Boob

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Started going heavy with incline first, then doing flat, and I already feel a difference. Thanks for the advice man. Hopefully, it won't be long before the upper chest starts coming through.

Offline Paa_Paw

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At 6 weeks you could still have a lot a post operative swelling. It is way too early to be critical. My guess is that it will continue to diminish in size for several months. The overall healing process can be very slow.
Grandpa Dan


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