Author Topic: Bottom area of left nipple somewhat puffy?  (Read 2473 times)

Offline mum4519

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Hey all,
Had gyno surgery one month ago today. Developed a hematoma in my right chest area so the doctor opened up the original incision and "pushed/popped" out all the blood like you would with a zit, and then stitched me back up. Everything on this side looks wonderful now.

On my left side the bottom area of my nipple (where the incision was) is somewhat pushed "away" and out from my chest, making it appear a little puffy. I can feel little scar tissue where the incision was. It's almost as if my PS didn't lipo enough fat underneath my nipple area as he did on the right and this is making it appear the way it is. The bottom part that is being pushed away from my chest and outwards puts somewhat of a crease in the middle of my nipple, like a rippling effect. I could be completely wrong about this all and this is normal and will heal on its own, but for my sake it'd be nice to hear some input on it from anybody with a similar experience, or some doctors who have dealt with this before. I will try and get some pictures posted also asap. Thank you very much.

Offline mum4519

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Anybody have any input at all?

Offline waves

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Yep, I have this on both sides.  Formed around 2 months I think.  Both nipples, right where the incision was and has formed a fair amount of scar tissue that pushes the bottom part of the nipple out.  Looks bad and seems to have only got worse over time.  But I was reassured by 3 of the forum surgeons that this is normal and a normal time to form this scar tissue.  Advice from them was to continue massaging and if it doesn't disappear by 6 months to then go in and get a ?? (steroid I think?) shot that melts away the scar tissue.  Go to the "Ask a Doc" section and you should see my thread on this subject and the responses provided.  I didn't have "puffy" nipples prior to this so it's a little annoying, but trying to be patient that this will resolve with time.  Being patient is the hardest part!

Good luck!


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