Author Topic: Can't lift my arms up!  (Read 2647 times)

Offline sws

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Hey I'm 5 weeks post op and everything is going great but the other day I tried to do some stretching and when I lifted my arms up over my head, the skin under my left breast was really painful...almost as if there wasn't enough skin to stretch.  I was hesitant to keep stretching because I could see the skin become really tight and vainy.  I emailed my doc and he mentioned that there's the incision scar which you can see, and below it there is quite a bit of scar tissue beneath the surface that need's to heal.  He said to continue gentle stretches and soon it will be back to normal.

Has anyone had a similar experience???

Offline GynosaurusRex

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I am right now. 2 weeks post op - let me know what your dr. says

Offline sws

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hey gynosaurus

Just an update for you.  The stretching is going MUCH better.  Have very little pain involved now and only minor skin stretching.  Looks as though my doc was right in that it takes a bit of time and gentle stretching to get things back to normal.  All in all things are going very well at week 6.

How's your experience been?  everything going smoothly?

Offline GynosaurusRex

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Thanks for the update. You can call me G-Rex.

I am doing better now as well. Although I still can't sleep on my side with my arm outstreched under my head.

I believe that it is getting better but my nips are still "distorted" and I can feel some scar tissue.


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