Author Topic: Cardio after Surgery  (Read 4520 times)

Offline kane790

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Hey guys,
I have a question...I waited 4 weeks before I went back to the gym. My first day back was yesterday. I did 1 hr of the stair machine. I felt a little tender on my chest. Is this normal? I figured I would wait and see if I got really swollen  over night but this morning everything looked fine. I went back today for another cardio session and I feel like I've swollen up a bit. Should I be wearing my compression garment while I train? I haven't done any upper body stuff at all. I wore an underarmour tank but it is very thin and doesn't give me the support my Chest binder or compression vest does.

Also, I took 2 pills each morning before work, they are fat burners called Hot Rox. I haven't taken them for the 4 weeks I've been healing. Should I not be taking these? Thank you in advance for your wisdom.
-Mike in LA

Offline Blue2

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Hi Mike,

I wouldn't have thought it was anything to worry about. I am 16 days post op and was back in the gym on the stationary bike 10 days after surgery! However I have been restricting myself to 1/2 hour sessions but working to max intensisty. I have to admit that the first couple of times I did notice a build up of fluid on my chest and a tightening sensation. However, I have now completed 5 sessions and can tell you that the last couple have not resulted in any swelling. Like you I am wearing a sports compression vest under my t-shirt whilst training as had wondered about swapping it for the surgical compression garment but as I say, things seem to have settled down now and so I will be sticking to the sports vest.

I could be wrong, but I think that the swelling could be due to the increase in blood flow to the chest area due the exercise and causing a build up of fluid. Something that I have found helps is when you shower after your workout, try massaging your chest for a few minutes using the shower gell as a lather. This will get the circulation going and could help reduce the swelling over night. I am also still wearing the gompression garment during the night so this may also help.

Hope this is of some use to you.
Surgery: 18/03/08
Plastic surgeon: Alex Karidis
Location: London, UK

Offline m9taylor

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I can relate as well, I'm 4 weeks post-op right now and started hitting the cardio last week. I would notice my chest would be tender after I was done and noticed a little bit of swelling, but like Blue, I do agree that I think it's circulatory related and that it's just your body readjusting to the exercise afterwards. I do have to tell you though that I still do wear my compression garmet while I'm exercising as to minimize the shaking and well, 'bouncing' of my pectoral muscles just so I'm not risking any unnecessary swelling. I just wear a light t-shirt and put the vest over top of that, then wear another long-sleeve shirt on top of that. Hides the vest well and helps you sweat even more :). Give it a few more times at the gym of taking it easy and soon you'll be lifting your pecs in no time.

Hope this helps a bit,



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