Author Topic: Just had Lipo Only - very different experience than expected.  (Read 4837 times)

Offline bushland

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I Am Posting this because I think it could be helpful to others who are wondering about Lipo vs. Excision. I asked on this board if Lipo would be enough, even though one PS told me my problem was Mostly Gland.

Everybody told me: do NOT do lipo only. Get excision.

I just did not want to do ecision - it cost more, and seemed more serious. So I did Lipo only.

Guess what?

Results were great. I was awake the whole time and when i got up to look when it was fnished my chest was already much better.  It cost me only $3000.

Pain? Very little. Not during. And hardly at all afterwards. No headaches. Just a sore, tender chest. I am only 5 days post-op but if there are no improvements beyond what I Have Right Now i will still be happy.

I think the problem for people who insist that excision are required are perfectionists and paranoid. Most people will not notice unless you have a WOMAN-BOOB - a puffy nipple is not a huge problem. Lipo only gave me a great result and things look good, with very little hassle.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2007, 08:23:29 PM by bushland »

Offline binap

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Thank you for posting Bushland. I hope you recovery goes smoothly. I am 3 days post-op and dealing with sorness as well.


Offline bushland

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Can We Have a Real Doctor please comment?
Maywest says he had breasts return in 2 weeks to full size as pre-op, after lipo only.
Based on what I Have Been Taught about Physics, this is impossible because if fat is taken away it cannot grow back in 2 weeks and the gland does not suddenly expand to fill it's place. Therefore, how can the gyne come back to pre-op size in 2 weeks?

How did Maywest have a flat chest 5 days after lipo, but then 9 days later have his gyne come back to full size?

Can a surgeon explain how this is scientifically possible?

Offline turningacorner

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picture proooof

u must have the gland still there poking out..


I'd rather keep the fat and lose that the natural way

gland cannot be lsot naturally:(

Offline Mr_Nip

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I hope that your healing goes well and that you are satisfied with your long term results.  I'm glad you are happy with your outcome so far.  I have been active on these boards for a while now, and although I have indeed seen some satisfied with lipo-only, there are far more who are not.  I would still recommend to someone seeking a surgeon to go with a surgeon who's willing to use whatever technique necessary to do the job right.  I'm glad you got a good job for $3,000.00, but if it hadn't solved the problem and the surgeon hadn't taken the necessary steps to complete the job, then you'd feel rather ripped-off.  This is the situation many have found themselves in by going with a lipo-only surgeon.  I hope you understand where I'm coming from in saying what I do about lipo-only. 

Anyway, congrats on your surgery and I hope you'll keep us posted on your recovery.   

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Offline bushland

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Yes There is Still Some Curve, but it looks jacked - not like gyne anymore. 

The question I am asking is of a real surgeon: how is it possible for someone to have the fat removed, and then 2 weeks later have full gyne come back??

Offline outertrial

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I understood fat cells, like any other cells, die and and are replaced over time, and that if pre-existing cells become so large they cant grow anymore then new ones will sprout off the same blood vessel. I'm certainly no scientist so this could be completely wrong but it would explain why lipo isnt a long term solution to weight loss but more a way of removing stubborn fat that wont shift from certain areas.

That said, it would be a lot harder for fat to return to lipo'd places and should be proportional to the rest of you even if you put on a lot of weight.

I think usually lipo only procedures dont work well and gyne appears to return is because surgeons who insist on doing them regardless of the amount of gland present just arent very good at it.

Offline binap

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I have read a few instances on this board of forum members being happy with lipo only surgeries. So i wouldn't go as far as saying that this would be the only case reported so far.

What techniques to apply during surgery comes down to is what was the crux of the problem to begin with. If your gyn was the result of only fatty tissue or your glands were small then lipo only would give great results. If your gyn was the result of mainly glandular tissue or you have very large glands then excision would be required to address the issue.

Offline gettingrid

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I understood fat cells, like any other cells, die and and are replaced over time, and that if pre-existing cells become so large they cant grow anymore then new ones will sprout off the same blood vessel. I'm certainly no scientist so this could be completely wrong but it would explain why lipo isnt a long term solution to weight loss but more a way of removing stubborn fat that wont shift from certain areas.

That said, it would be a lot harder for fat to return to lipo'd places and should be proportional to the rest of you even if you put on a lot of weight.

I think usually lipo only procedures dont work well and gyne appears to return is because surgeons who insist on doing them regardless of the amount of gland present just arent very good at it.

The body does not replace fat cells unless there is "significant" weight gain in which case fat cells are formed from fibroblasts. So as long as you dont gain a lot of weight the effect should be more or less permanent. Even if the new cells are formed as you say it shd proportionally form everywhere. I think sometimes the amount of fat to be removed by lipo is underestimated. For example in my case the PS originally planned for around 1000cc 300 each form front and 200 each from underarm and sides but he supposedly encountered a lot more when going in and the op went a bit long to remove around 2800cc. Given this with lipo only my contour feels not perfect but decent to me (pics in signature). However, if I had a significant glandular component this would not have been the case.

SO I guess if you have high ratio of gland/fat you need excision with lipo definitely
If you have a high ratio of fat to gland you need lipo but the amount and contouring are based on the judgements of the PS and his/her abilities.

In summary, make sure the PS you choose knows about the gland/fat aspect and chooses lipo-only *only* in the case when they are convinced that it is pseudo-gyne otherwise you may have depressed breast area with a pointy nipple areolar complex.

Offline bushland

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That's exactly what I mean.  Lipo only DOES HELP and it did for me. 

And BTW mates, the first PS I met told me 'your problem is mainly glandular, only surgery will help'.  The second PS said, 'you have both gland and lipo, but lipo-only can make an improvement.' 

Clearly the first PS was an idiot so get multiple opinions or you will waste money.


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