I have a question for the experts or anyone who may have read or used kenalog on here. I have some scar tissue under various areas of my nipples and chest, I plan to get a kenalog shot to help this out this month. What I am wondering is 2 things. First if the Kenalog is for instance injected not directly into the chunk of scar tissue will it still break it down like if it was injected right beside it because it may be hard for my surgeon to hit a small piece of scar tissue directly on especially if there is fat around it and such. Secondly if the scar tissue is not just one chuck but a few small pieces how is the best way to handle this ... for example on my left side there is a chuck under my nipple and a bit right below the nipple. Should I ask he injects a bit in one spot and a bit in the other? Any info on kenalog would be great! thanks
Kenalog works on scars in the site it was injected but will not soften remaining gland. Scars after gynecomastia surgery can involve the surface skin or deeper structures. Such scars can be localized or extensive. Check out these extended adhesion scars
Video Male Chest Scars, especially on flexing the chest muscles. For the skin to move in a natural fashion, it needs a "lubrication" layer of fat between it and the deeper structures. Steroid injections can soften scars, but will not replace the missing fat. Injections will not fill in
Crater Deformity Defects from Bad Gynecomastia Surgery. I have seen patients with badly injured tissues from certain liposuction techniques that almost the entire chest was adherent to the deeper tissues. I just operated on another liposuction only patient who had such extensive scars that he had a low nipple, severe skin crease, and extensive internal scars.
That is why checking how tissues move can be so critical to evaluate a particular doctor's surgical technique. For something to look good, it should also look good why performing activities such as flexing muscles or raising arms up overhead.
Options depend on the original problem, what was done, how someone scars, and many other factors best explored during a consultation. When tissue is available I have found my
Fat Flap Technique an awesome tool to release such scars, leave a layer of fat, and provide a result that moves normally.
Hope this helps,
Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Revision Gynecomastia and Chest Surgery