Author Topic: My experience  (Read 4121 times)

Offline senos

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Ok, so here I am.
22 years old, 80kilos, 1.83 m. Do your calculations hehe
I started growing a little gyne since I was 14-15, nothing serious, however I started an antidepression treatment at 16 and my gyne got worst, I considered an operation when I was 18 years old, but my doctor suggested me to lose weight (I was obbesse at the time due to the medicines).
I lost all the weight but my gyne stayed, I left my medicines for a while and with the return to depression, my worries for the gyne returned. I'm on my medication again, feel great, but during that time I appointed a surgery with my doctor. Wich I had today.

I'll must admit this site made me grow more scarred about my surgery, because it was done by a general surgeon, however I can only pray anything went right as my doctor assured me.

I don't have any vest only tight bandages over my chest, also drains but they are inside the bandages so I'm unable to see them.
I feel better than I tought I would feel, I can do almost anything like I use to. Tommorrow I'll go to the surgeon to change the drains, and I would see the results of my gyne operation.
Sorry for my crappy english, I'll keep you informed about my healing

Offline senos

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Well, it's been six days and I got my drains removed. It didn't hurt at all as some people say.
Now I'll just keep the bandages 1 more week and it's done. The surgeon told me that any more compression is unnecesary, but I'm planning to buy one of those Nike strech shirts just to be sure, as some nurses told me it helps sometime.

I guess nex time I'll upload photos.
The surgery was great, I just see my pecs around 1 minute a day, but the difference is incredible, theres a noticeable depression in my nipples, but it just dependes on the posture, and I can live with it, also the surgeon told me It will improve.
I'm also very happy because I can see improvements every day, the first day I saw my pecs, there was a little swelling and the depression around the nipples scared me a little, but today my chest looked almost flat, and I'm just 6 days post-op.

I would say I'm 100% sattisfied with my surgery.
I guess is because I had a realistic expectations, and my problem with my breast was more a depression issue.
I would recomend most people on this website that look for revision (and some don't really need them) to look for a psychologist first. I still think the succes of my surgery was because I found peace with myself first, and was happy with my body before surgery.

OR just wait for the photos, maybe the surgeon did made magic

Offline binap

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       I am happy to hear that your surgery went well. I am also considering a general surgen and I, like yourself, have some reservations about it. I plan to have the surgery sometime in August. Please keep us updated on your healing process.


Offline Some guy

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Glad to hear everything went well! I'm 5 days post-op, mine was also done by a general surgeon but, though my chest isn't perfect i couldn't be happier with results!

Rob I think you'l be fine with a general surgeon as long as he has got experience with this type of stuff.

Offline senos

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Haha can't believe I'm here again.

Bad news  :(

My pecs were amazing after the surgery, the left nipple had a depression but after 6 months of hard training is completely gone. My right nipple was perfect I could not worry.

My surgery took place thanks to the help of a psychologist, I started taking drugs again to threat my depression.
Here's the funny part.
About two months ago I started to feel a weird sensation in the right nipple, and one day looking at the mirror, I was amazed, the puffy nipple came back.
I lost my old medical insurance and couldn't treat this fast, but my family got one again and I'm seeing a doctor tommorrow.
The gyne is back, I checked that the drug I'm taking has a high chance of developing gynecomastia.
When I had the bandages off I noticed my left nipple felt completely empty but my right nipple had a small ball, even when the doctor told me he removed the whole gland and gyne was a thing of the past, now this ball has grown almost three times the size.

I'm sad, confused. I'm going to ask the doctor to take me off my medicine fast and see if he can treat it with anti-estrogens.
What also worries me is that the medicines I'm taking are very cheap, and I'm pretty sure my depression will come back and make this a bigger problem, and my new insurance doesn't covers anti psychotics.
So I guess I'll see if is better to spend all my life savings and pay a private doctor to take the bitch away and continue with my medicines.
Or better, I have two years to reclaim my old insurance, I only need to start studying another degree. If things get bad I will also consider this.
I'll keep you informe wish me luck.

Offline KeepFighting

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good luck!


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