Author Topic: Not satisfied with the results so far.  (Read 3419 times)

Offline COD4

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I had my surgery on august 30. After i removed the plasters after 3 days one side was more reduced. I mean surgeon has reduced more fat in one side than the other. I could clearly see it. Now its almost 16 days post op and i have a hard skin under areola and other areas where the fat has removed. Will this go away ?  Last time i checked the seroma 4 days back it was 20ml from one side. So my question is is it possible to predict the final result roughly after 3 months ?  And is it okay to do jogging now ? Im hoping to have a revision surgery after about 3 months. What is ur idea about that ? Thanks a lot and sorry for the bad english.

Offline Zenxer

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Hey, TmdRockz.

After 3 days, your chest still has considerable swelling, don't worry that one side looks different than the other, your body doesn't heal perfectly even. It will take time. 16 days post surgery and hard under the nipple? That's scar tissue. It'll go away on its own or you can contact your plastic surgeon and he'll probably tell you to massage it so it breaks down.

No, you cannot predict the final result of gynecomastia surgery after three months, you could still have some scar tissue or fluids that will slowly dissipate. I would personally wait another two weeks before you go jogging, as it could irritate your chest tissues and cause more swelling which in turn would take the final result even longer to appear. Don't even think about a revision until about a year post-surgery.

I know you're worried about the look of it now, but don't worry! Two weeks is still just the beginning! Your chest will change slowly over the months to come.

Any other questions or something you're unsure of, just reply and I'll be sure to respond as quickly as I can.
My surgery was done on Oct 20th, 2014 by Dr. J. Craig Fielding in Toronto, Ontario.

Offline COD4

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Thank u very much for ur support man. Unfortunately there were no plastic surgeons in my area. So i had this surgery done by a general surgeon. He called it a mastectomy. How long will the scar tissue usually live there ?

Offline macman213

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I would agree with most of the things Zenxer said. The one thing I would slightly disagree on is the 3 month mark. Depending on if you were a minor or severe case at 3 months you can tell alot (though certainly things will keep evolving for a couple of months after that, but like 75% of the healing is done). In my case, which was relatively minor (just severe puffy nipples) I had a revision by another surgeon at 3 months, because it was very obvious that I needed one and everything had settled. All of that said, two weeks is way too early to tell.

Offline rhyno18

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Thank u very much for ur support man. Unfortunately there were no plastic surgeons in my area. So i had this surgery done by a general surgeon. He called it a mastectomy. How long will the scar tissue usually live there ?

oh wow....good luck man.  I hope things turn out OK....


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