Author Topic: Paintball 2 and a half weeks after surgery  (Read 2593 times)

Offline varkovetski

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hey guys, i had gynecomastic surgery for my nipples to remove some tissue. Im a sponsored "Speedball Player" (competative paintball) and i cant miss much more practises. im expected to play this practise and at that point it will be 2 and a half weeks after surgery. my nipples dont hurt at all anymore (1.8 weeks after surgery) and only feel small pain when i press against them. there is slight bruising around the nipple but that should be gone soon. My doc said that i should be ok to play but i wanna make sure and get some oppinnions from the crowd. i would wear the tensor bandages when i play, and play every 2 games, to try to keep my blood pressure low. The games are intense but pretty short so my blood pressure shouldnt stay at a high rate. anywyas any oppinions would be great :) thanks alot guys.


Offline varkovetski

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up :) i need a reply. anything?

Offline Twin Peaks

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I'm not familiar with paintball, but I assume you wear a chest guard?  2.5 weeks is not a whole lot of time. If there is any way for you to skip this practice, I'd do it.  Hopefully one of the docs came chime in and give their advice.

Offline The_G0rn

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2 and a half weeks after is pretty early.  I wouldn't have risked my results for a game of paintball.  What if you got shot in the chest/nipple...last time i played paintball I had some very nasty bruises.
I don't know what sort of climate you live in but the raised blood pressure, sweating and so forth would not do your recovery any good either.
Best thing to do would be to ask your doctor, and accept his answer.  Your recovery and health should be your first priority.
Surgery done 18th March 2008


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