Author Topic: Post surgery problems  (Read 2948 times)

Offline chesticles

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I'm 5 weeks post op and I've got some questions. I had excision and lipo through the under arm (well about 2 inches from my nipples towards the under arm). I had ~200 cc removed from each side.

I took off my vest for the first time after 4 weeks as per my doctors instructions and all looked fine until about 12 hours later. Should your nipples puff out much after taking off this top. My RHS was worse than my LHS to begin with and it appears to be the same now.

Do the nipples get smaller as time goes by as mine don't really seem to have receded, i.e they are not as puffy but the nipples are not erect.

There seems to be a crease across the muscle on the RHS and the nipple looks like it is slopping in i.e the bottom of the nipple has a crease under it and looks like it is falling into my chest if that makes any sense. Should this relax over time and will I get the shape back i.e normal.

Also I can now feel a mass under the right nipple where I couldn't feel one before, but it is pretty big, while not totally hard. Has anyone experienced this.

If anyone could answer any of the above questions I would really appreciate it

Offline fullonc

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from what I hear it sounds normal. If you have been compressing your chest for that long, then, like a butterfly extending it's wings, more blood can now get to the area. It should even out. as far as the 'lump' under the nipple/areola, I might venture a guess that once the gland was out, the Dr. moved some remaining fat under the area so as to lessen  the tendency to become concave. I had mine done just a week ago and a bit more was taken out (about 300 each side) and so far I notice a little bit of the nipple dipping in, though it could be just the surrounding area swelling. I take the vest off for showers and if for some reason I don't shower that day (staying home, no movement beyond keyboarding, etc) I still "let the dogs out" for about ten minutes before bed just to relax. LOL. we shall see what the Dr thinks of that next week, though there hasn't been much (to me) swelling, though What I took to be benadine(?) was the beginning of the chest bruising-- all light yellow now turning darker. Hangin in there Sounds like you're on track from what I read here.

Offline chesticles

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Thanks for the comments guys, the doctor did do both lipo and excision through the under arm, that is why I am abit concerned because I think maybe he left some gland in there.
I decided to put the top back on, I'm wearing it during the day and taking it off at night, so hopefully it will get better but there definitely appears to be something in there, fingers crossed its scarring cos he did take more from the RHS but it could also be gland left over. The skin to the right of the nipple is also stuck to the muscle, so this could be pushing what is left there towards the nipple.
But I guess it is just wait and see...

Offline Eaglefan

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I only wore a compression garment for one week post op, and everything looks strange even now at 3 weeks.  I just saw the dr yesterday and he told me that the puffiness around the nipples is scar tissue and it has a tendancy to draw the nipple in.  He has me doing massage aggressively to break it up and told me that it will eventually "release."  He even menionted that cortisone might be needed as an injection to the site at some point if it doesn't release on its own.  From everything I have read, I think you're experiencing normal post op results.


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