Author Topic: Just had mine yesterday here is my post op and I will continually update  (Read 8709 times)

Offline Jordan23

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Yesterday the 26th I took the jump forward into removing my gynecomastia. So far so good. AFter waking from the anesthesia I stayed at the hospital for about an hour hour and a half then proceeded to go home. I have the compression vest on me along w/ the drains one at each side around my waist. I noticed bruising under my left and right immediate armpit areas a few hours later. Did feel a little groggy from the general anesthesia but that was only when I got up and walked around. I then proceeded to continue laying down and blood drained into my pumps and they had said anything over 25cc to drain out so we did about 3 times. I got up and walked around a little later around 4 hours to go to the rest room and just to take a little very light walk around the bed. The pain isn't as bad as I thought it would be however the compression vest is a little annoying w/ breathing but its okay.

Around 5am this morning I felt little muscle spasms on my right chest and couldn't figure out what it could be. They've stopped as of 6:30 but it was a little bothersome so I got nervous and adrenaline pumped as I also worried. I will post pics here ina  few minutes of the bruises. The nurses and doc said I should go in for a post op w/ them on monday but i'm thinking of going today just to make sure things are okay. I just hope the blood hasnt dried or clogged up in my tubes cause I haven't gotten much drainage lately.

Offline bobjohnson

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Congrats on going through with the surgery! I had mine done on the 24th... were going through the same thing right now! The worst part is the vest and the tape residue once my Dr. removed the bandages under the vest. Alot came off in the shower last night so that was great. A tip my Dr. gave me was use baby powder under the vest to keep it dry and smooth. I tried it and it helps a lot.

Did you have lipo and gland removal? I just had lipo, the Dr. assured me I had almost no gland tissue to remove.

Well take care of yourself and take milti-vitamans and vitiman C... this will give your body what it needs to take care of itself. Oh ya... frozen pea's as ice packs really help the swelling and reduce some pain.

Keep us posted!

Offline Jordan23

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Thanks. :) My sister mentioned the frozen pea thing and might go for it. I had gland removal as well. Yeah I'll look into the vitamins I've been trying to stack up on C. Wonder if I could get a good amount of protein and if that would help out any. They said they don't want me taking any showers and staying in a cool environment until Monday when I have a full post op w/ the doctor. I'll take showers for my lower body of course to make sure it's nice tho. I also went to the nurse today and she opened my vest and asked if I lifted weights or am a body builder. Apparently the muscle I've been building under this gynecomastia is showing. :)

Offline Jordan23

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So far i'm 3 days post op and i'm walking around a bit now. I still have a little trouble getting up from bed because I just don't want to strain anything. The drains are fine they're just at both sides of my waist. They don't hurt pretty much no pain now and no meds for pain. Though i'm still on an antibiotic. We might be taking the drains out tomorrow but I think they said they want to see hardly any draining and a more clear drainage into the pumps. We'll see how painful it is when they remove them...I might end up taking a pain medication before I go to the doc tomorrow.

Offline Jordan23

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This is my 4th day post op. Everything seems to be going alright except that last night I did sneeze and felt a tight strain on my chest when I did so. Then went to the bed to rest as I sat down w/ my legs folded in a sort of indian style. I then started to feel my left leg and arm/hands feel a slight tingle. The feeling is carrying on to today. I don't know if it is mental but it seems not numb but a slight tingling sensation. When I get my left hand wet the feeling persists. I don't know whether or not it's the compression vest which I haven't taken off since surgery cutting off some of the supply or scar tissue?

Offline bobjohnson

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I am 6 days post Op and I can tell you it is very important to keep the blood pumping... especially with the compression vest. Go for a 15 minute walk a few times a day, stretch your legs, etc. When you do take of the vest, be sitting down. I've had mine off a few times now and I get light headed when it comes off. Are you drinking enough water or O.J.? Keep pumping the fluids in you!

Of course, call your Dr. and see what he says.

Take care,

Offline Jordan23

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Went in for the full post op w/ the Dr. and he took the drains out. I was draining about 10cc's for the past two days each spanning around 9 hours each time we drained. Was curious about if I do drain while the drains are out and my vest are on that the blood will absorb into the tissue? He also took the vest off and I feel sore, tingly and the area around my nipple still feels numb somewhat.

Offline Jordan23

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5th day post op:

I haven't opened my vest yet today but the bruising is going down around the arm pit area which is a nice sign. I'm still hesitant about taking a shower and not being able to put the vest on correctly to make sure I get proper effeciency out of it. What i'm mainly scared of is the numbness feeling I have around my chest area since I still feel slight pain when lightly pressing on it. Been keeping up w/ vitamin C and taking my antiboitic but so far everything seems okay.

Effects still present:
Numbness around chest
Bruises around my left and right arm pit (diminishing)

Offline okfu2007

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Hey what's going on man, what do ya know? I had my surgery on April 26th too. I still feel numb in the chest too and soreness around the nipple area. I haven't taken the vest and pads off since the doctor put them on me on Friday. It's a pain in the ass sponge bath myself. I haven't had any bruising and I haven't really drained since Saturday. Hope everything is going well for you.

Offline Jordan23

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8th day post op: I'm walking around fine still. Bruises are still visible but minimizing each day. Still tingly and numby around my chest area but that also seems to be diminishing only slightly. I guess it does take a bit of time to regain total feeling. What 3-4 weeks? Even more? Also one thing that has bothered me. When the drains came out the doc used tape and gause to cover up the little holes. The tape closer to my back comes off easy BUT to take the tape off closer to where my surgery was and where its mainly numb and tingly it irritates me ALOT to have it removed. It's I guess a combination of pain and just an irritation from hell. I don't know whether or not to go to the doc today to have the tape taken off on both sides or if I should just keep them in for a few days more when I have my feeling coming back.

I take showers usually w/ just a wet cloth and I wet it down w/ another wet cloth to not get the gause and tape wet much at all. I'm a careful freak and just don't want to have anything go wrong. Will anything go wrong if I keep the tape in there for a bit longer? Can it stunt nerve growth? Don't really see how it would but what the hey.

Offline Jordan23

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Also one more thing. When I take showers the tape is still around my nipples. If they get wet are they prone for infection at this stage?

Offline Jordan23

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9th day post op. Took another shower today still numb of course but also seems to be diminishing only slightly. However as I type this which is later on in the day I feel tingly on my left arm not so much on my left leg. Loosened up my vest a little on the left side but doesn't seem to help much. It's also a little chilly in the house so I don't know what it could be. I've felt this off and on but doesn't occur too often. Hope it doesn't last long. Perhaps theres some mentality into it too. I worry alot so I don't know if its a contributing factor to what is truly there.

Also my left nipple seems to be a little stingy and irritated underneath my vest also itchy around the area. Don't know whether or not I've really strained it by movement or picking up something just a tad too heavy for me or what. I'm going to go into the PS on Monday to double check on everything even though it's not my scheduled appointment.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2007, 10:59:23 PM by Jordan23 »

Offline Jordan23

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10th day post op:

I'm writing this before bedtime. I'm still feeling the tingling sensation along my left side again every now and then throughout the day for some reason. I can move fine and can feel but it's just tingly somewhat just under the surface. It's a little bothersome and worrying me a little. The left side of my chest seems to be a little more numb than my right which seems to be recovering a bit better and regaining a little more feeling.
Still I don't know whether this is mental or not but my left cheek also feels a little tingly at times. Again its just periodic it goes away sometimes and am just wondering what the hell it could be? Wonder if its the nerves regrowing pathways or something but I wouldn't even imagine why my left side of my chest would affect the left side of my body.

Offline Jordan23

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19th Day post op:

My compression vest is still on. However the sponge underneath that they had included w/ it was removed according to the PS recommendation. It's been off for about 5 days already. I have no problems wearing the vest anymore really. The tingling sensation in my left leg has gone away though my left arm is still apparent probably cause its a little tight around the armpit area cutting off slight circulation. Range of movement has improved a bit since the last time I've updated the thread. My left side of my chest is still feeling a little less range of motion w/o a little irritation of tissues underneath than my right. When I look at my chest my left also has a slight dip coming from the side where my arm meets my chest about 2 inches from the nipple. The tape is still on my nipples and they have not come off. Also one thing I might have to take pics OR adjust my right shoulder but seems like my left nipple is also a little just a little lower than my right. Also under my right nipple theres a little fat crease underneath that isnt under the left. I'll have to take some pictures to explain a bit more.

I'm also putting on pounds now that I can't work out so this is killing me. My chest might be getting some fat not gyno breast tissue but some actual fat so I can't wait to hit the gym. The doc said I could work out at 1 month post op which will be next thursday so i'm probably going to go in and take it easy. One more thing thats weird..I shower everyday in the morning and I walk around w/o a shirtand only the vest around the house. I scrub my armpits and put deodorant but it seems my pits are smelling a little bad quicker than normal. Either I have to switch my deodorant or something I don't know. I don't know whether or not it's due to the gland removal of my gyne or what.


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