Author Topic: Scar Tissue-kenalog injections and Dr. Jacobs (NYC)  (Read 3595 times)

Offline anon555444333

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I wanted to write this post in hopes of helping other guys who find themselves in the same situation that I was in after surgery. After living with Gyn for many unhappy years I decided to have surgery at around age 25 - this was around 20 years ago. The results were a small improvement but I was far from happy or comfortable with how I looked. I thought that there was nothing else that could be done and that I would just have to live with this curse. A little over a year ago I decided that I had to try again. I met with a surgeon in Toronto and had surgery. My initial results were terrific, and I couldn't believe how much better I looked and felt. However, at around 2 weeks everything changed. My right side continued to improve and look better (as the swelling and bruising went down), but my left side developed a large lump of what I later learned was scar tissue, under my nipple. This seemed to come out of nowhere and before long my left side was almost back to where it was before surgery. I spoke with my surgeon and he advised me to keep massaging (I was already massaging 2-3 times a day for 15 mins each time) and said that the scar tissue should go away with time. After around another 4 weeks (now about 6 weeks since my surgery) I had seen no improvement at all, and I was extremely worried and unhappy. I went back to see my surgeon. He acknowledged the issue and said that if I keep massaging it should hopefully improve some, but that it most likely would not ever look as good as my right side. I explained that I was very unhappy with how I looked and explained that I felt that since I had seen no improvement at all that I didn't think the massaging was doing anything. I asked what could be done if the scar tissue did not go away with continued massaging. He explained that perhaps after 1 year we could consider more surgery but that he did not feel it had a very good chance of success as more scar tissue would most likely develop. He started talking about how I should focus on how much better my right side looked. For me one side looking better did not help and I still was so unhappy with how I looked. I felt like I was again doomed to be very unhappy with how I look for the rest of my life. Needless to say at this point I was completely devastated. I continued massaging desperately hoping to see some improvement and I started researching on the net about post-op scar tissue. I found a discussion on this website about kenalog injections. I asked my surgeon about the kenalog injections and he said that there was no injection that would help me. When I pressed him and even sent him a link to the forum post he then back tracked a bit and said that maybe after 6 months we could look into that. Honestly, I did not feel like he would really try the injections. At this point I lost all confidence in my surgeons ability to help with this scar tissue. I should point out, I hold no bad feelings towards him, he did try to help me with the surgery and if I had not been one of the unlucky guys who have a problem with post-op scar tissue I am sure I would have been very happy with how my surgery turned out. The problem was my surgeon had no way to treat this post-op scar tissue. 

I decided to reach out to the doctor from the forum post, this just happen to be Dr. Elliot Jacobs. I can honestly say this was one of the best decisions of my life. First off, it was a Sunday afternoon when I emailed Dr. Jacobs. I was amazed when I received a reply from him with-in a couple of hours. I gave him a brief summary of my history and he advised that I make an appointment to see him. 

I went to NYC and saw Dr. Jacobs and after examining me he agreed that a kenalog injection would be the best way to treat my scar tissue. I had the injection during my first visit. It took a few weeks but I saw a huge improvement with how I looked. The kenalog dramatically reduced the size of the scar tissue. I later decided to go back and see Dr. Jacobs again and have another (much smaller/less potent) injection. I am now very happy with how I look and feel. Dr. Jacobs is not only a very skilled physician but he is also a very nice person and both he and his staff were terrific. 

If your surgery was ruined by post-op scar tissue there is hope. The kenalog injections really do work, and in my honest opinion you could not possibly find a Doctor better able to help you then Dr. Jacobs. I only wish I had found him years ago.

Offline aprescott1997

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Hey, How much did he Charge you just for the Kenalog shot procedure ?


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