Author Topic: sleeping position after surgery  (Read 6360 times)

Offline popozao26

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I'm 9 days out from my surgery and now I'm having trouble sleeping on my back.  I was doing the whole 45 degree angle on your back sleep position for the first 7 days.  But by nature I sleep on my side and now really want to get back to sleeping the way I'm comfortable.  Anyone sleep on their side here?  I have worry that I'll get all uneven or swollen if I sleep on one side more than another, is that crazy?


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i had to sleep directly on my back for at least 3 weeks

Offline chopemoff

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my PS (fielding) said that incidental pain or feelings of stretching the pec region during episodes of mobility (putting on shirts, leaning, reaching, etc) wouldn't adversely affect the healing process.

keeping that in mind, the nurses all advised for the first few days to sleep at a 30 degree angle to ease the sutures so that you don't break any stitching the PS has done around the nipple.

I'm 5 days post now and was lying in my bed on my side reading a book for about an hour today. I feel stronger every day and I think the body has an amazing ability to heal.

In my own uneducated opinion, I highly doubt that sleepign on your side will cause internal tissues to heal lopsided and such.

however, if it's still painful to do so, perhaps the back is the best bet still...

furthermore, if you have any pain or questions regarding that, a simple call to one who knows (ie. your PS or Doc) would be the fastest way to alleviate your stresses.

happy healing!

Offline nomoregyno

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I used pillows to grab on too and worked out great.

Offline popozao26

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thanks for the info.  i'm not doing well sleeping on my back.  even when i try i end up waking up throughout the night on my side.  ugh.

Offline tmart24

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I slept on my back for a good month. I hate sleeping on your back. Ask your PS for some Ambien, that sh!t will knock you out. Mine gave me 2 weeks worth...


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