Author Topic: Some Hematoma Questions  (Read 2496 times)

Offline buffetkid

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I have some hematoma questions that i think can help alot of our buddies here are the forum.

Is it correct that hematoma can either be left as is for self healing or it can be drained by your PS? If so, how will one know if he should have it drained or let it be as is?

When hematoma because worse and you have to drain it, is it because of not properly wearing your compression vest? or is it because of your body's healing?

Lastly, how many days post op before you can say that you do not have to drain or no serious hematoma?

Thanks guys, i hope these questions can enlighten our fellow members!

Offline gynetexas

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I'm no expert but I'm going off my own experience and what my PS told me.  Check out the story here,11148.0.html.  I believe a hematoma is not like swelling/draining.  When I had surgery on the 23rd I woke up with drains and had to empty them every morning.  There was less and less liquid each time.  A week later I went to the ER because my right side chest was the size of a grapefruit.  I was hoping a simple drain would fix it but I was wrong.  The hematoma occurred because an artery was probably pulled and busted, because it filled up the void with blood FAST.  What I didn't realize is that the PS cauterizes all of the arteries that used to feed the gland or else a hematoma could easily occur right away.  The PS thinks the artery was either trapped in the healing process and later (6 days) ripped apart from movement or the artery was hidden during surgery.  Either way it sucked to have to go into surgery again, but everything is fine now.  My right side is harder than the left underneath the skin and the scars/stitches are a week behind, but it was still worth it.

So to answer your question - I don't think the vest helps cause a hematoma.  I had mine on when it occurred....I believe mine happened while stretching my arm accidentally and an artery inside ripped.  He said it was a freak occurrence.

To answer your last question...once again I'm no expert but it seems like if a hematoma is going to happen, it will happen right away during recovery.  The PS said it happens sometimes in breast reductions in women because of all of the arteries that need to be cauterized.  As for draining - I had the drains in for 4 days after the operation but I really only drained fluid for 3.  Each time I would empty the drain it would have less and less fluid.  It wasn't the most comfortable thing to have but at the same time my chest has virtually no swelling.

Hope this helps...

Offline tony_ss

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Hi gynetexas,
could u clarify what do u mean by this <the PS cauterizes all of the arteries that used to feed the gland >.. would they be removed or something during surgery.. i have heard about internal mammary artery (this sounds like the one that supplies bllood to the gland) . in fact this is the one which is used in bypass surgery to replace the plaqued ones which supply blood to the heart. if ps is going to do something to this artery, then it will be a issue in future when u go for bypass surgery.. not sure if I make sense:).. but definitely am concerned about what gynetexas mentioned..:(.

Offline tony_ss

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from what I know about haemotoma - it is only a blood collection in your chest.. now it looks like it is due to rupture of arteries.. how come arteries are there in gland.. why do PS cut your blood vessels.. my doctor told me it is just a sweat gland.. senior guys-could u pls clarify


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