Author Topic: Soreness in the upper chest  (Read 3054 times)

Offline EatingCake

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I'm currently about 5 weeks post operation, and I had felt loads better (no pain at all), with this in mind I went to the gym almost hard out and started doing dips, did not hurt at the time, and now a day later my chest is really sore but not around the operation mark its sore about the upper upper chest near the armpits etc.

Does this have anything to with my gynecomastia still in the healing process? Or is it because I haven't worked out my chest in 5 weeks that it got a shock from the wieghts, I am a little confused what to think.

Thanks in advance.
op pictures: - 12th of December 2009 surgery

Offline zane949

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sounds like it's just from the workout man, when you don't workout for such a long time your body gets shocked when you start up again, especially if you say the soreness is around the armpits the area you worked while doing the dips


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