Author Topic: Surgery Complete ! Pics Added  (Read 6000 times)

Offline Hi_Top_Guy

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I had excision and lipo. For the first few days I could hear and feel a "swishing" sound in my chest, but that went away after the first week, which is normal.

My right side was more swollen than the left, too. I wouldn't worry about the fluid though. Your doctor will let you know on the follow up, and unless there's severe pain in the fluid buildup, which could indicate a hematoma or seroma, it'll go away once things start settling about weeks 2/3 or so. You'll notice that it'll gradually start going away. :)

I didn't notice your scars at all.

Offline annoyed30

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Figured i would post an update as I am now 3 weeks post op. 

I went to the doc today for a follow up and i guess i had a decent amount of fluid buildup.  He pulled about 25-30cc's from each side.  He also told me that I still have to wear the compression crap for another 2 weeks at least  >:(

I actually need to go back on friday for a quick visit to do another drain.  He told me that the more often they can drain and keep the swelling down, the quicker it will heal and prevent fluid buildup.  I will go in everyday if he thinks that will help me get rid of the compression quicker haha. 

What is everyone else's experience with fluid buildup and drainage? 

Oh yeah, i also had one nipple invert on me.  I spoke with him about it and he said that if it doesnt return to normal on its on, that they can actually do a quick fix to pull it back out.  So that was relieving to hear. 

All and all, i am still very happy with my results and seem to be improving daily.

Offline annoyed30

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So i still have some swelling and I have been massaging every day.  Actually found out today that I have been massaging too hard as i developed a bruise on my left side!!  Doc said that i actually created more swelling because i was causing trauma to the side.  I was so worried about scar tissue forming that i have been really vigorous with massage.  just wanted to post a warning to those to not massage so hard.  Ive read several posts that say massage only works when it hurts to do so.  This is clearly not the least in my situation.

Things are still changing on daily basis but are going well.  I will post a couple pics in the next few days.  I am now 5 weeks post op.  Still no golfing for me though.  Gotta wait a few more weeks.  Hoping i can get a round or two in before the weather takes a turn for the worse. 

Offline dark_nite

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@annoyed i had fluid build up too. My surgery was on August 22nd, so Im about three weeks post-op. Last week the doctor aspirated (removed with a needle) a good deal of the fluid (about 70% of it). He said that the fluid will return and I can just get aspirated again. He also said that after another 2 weeks or so, the fluid will be reabsorbed by my body.

The breast tissue from both breasts were about the size of golf balls, so i think thats why my body is creating so much fluid. Overall not bad tho.

I think I will call up and get more fluid trained this upcoming week.


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