Author Topic: Surgery May 29th. Some swelling and bleeding 1 week later but all in all not bad  (Read 2197 times)

Offline Khjh24

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Hey guys I had my surgery done on May 29th.  I opted for just a local and was awake the whole time during liposuction and excision. Let me tell you that lipo was no fun.  Despite being numb I felt a good amount of it.  It felt like being scraped from your insides out with a burning sensation.  Excision was a breeze.  I felt pretty good after surgery.  Didn't need any pain meds and felt better and better each hour that past.

After 2 days my dressing was removed. The doctor usually leaves them on for 5 days but said 2 was ok since surgery went exceptionally well.

1 week later my left nipple seemed to have started to bleed a little from the incision.  Not sure if its from swelling or what but I have been taking it easy and have had no physical activity.  I do drive and go out in public but thats the extend of my activity.  Lefty is definitely more swollen and bruised than righty.  I can feel a lot of hard tissue on both sides where the gland was behind my nipple extending all the way into my armpit area, more so on the left.  I assume that its probably swelling as the glands there were removed were almost as big as a silver dollar each.

All in all I feel very good and I can't wait to see my final results.  I'm not happy with the excessive swelling on the left side since it ruins the contour to my pec but I know to be patient and I can finally where a t shirt and not have nipples poking out anymore.

Oh and the last pic is reversed since I took it with the camera facing me instead of in the mirror.


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