Author Topic: Surgery Yesterday  (Read 5656 times)

Offline exonym

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Well, folks. The deed is done and I had my surgery yesterday (the 8th) at 7am. I'm in pretty good shape right now and haven't had a look at my chest without the compression vest on as I'm going for a follow up with the doctor this morning.

From what I can tell, the doctor did a pretty good job. There is definitely some swelling so for now I'm not sure how happy I am with the results. However, the doctor said that he removed almost 2 liters of fat, so the change should be significant.

As far as pain goes: there's a good bit of it straight away. I had an excision and liposuction done, so the area all around my breasts from my collarbone down to my sides just before my stomach are very sore. Sore is the key word here: I'm not feeling anything unless I move. Overall, from 1 to 10, I'd say the discomfort level is about a 7, and goes down to a 4 with the drugs.

I have some before pictures prepared and I'm going to get some 24-hour-mark pictures done today when we remove the gauze in the doctor's office. I'll post both when I get home this afternoon.

Once again, as always, I appreciate all of you who contribute to this board. It means a lot to not have to go through the process alone.

Liposuction and Excision of fat and glandular tissue
Performed by Dr. Ned Snyder in Austin, Texas
June 8, 2006
23 Years old

Offline exonym

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Oh, and one thing I failed to mention: It's difficult to urinate, especially a few hours after the surgery. It's not painful, but it does take a few minutes of work to get done. It's gradually gotten better recently, now about 18 hours since the surgery.

Offline jersey

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i had the same problem...thought it may have something to do with the codein i was taking so i switched to regulkar tylenols.

Offline aloe

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2 liters?????? Wow.  That's more than half a gallon!  

Offline exonym

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Quick update:

I'm rather unhappy with the way that my chest looks now 5 days since the operation. Family and the Dr. tell me that it's mostly swelling, but to me it looks like nothing has changed at all.

However, the consistency of the breast is much different, and it does feel like a couple of sacks full of fluid, so maybe the doctor is right. But, a few days since the surgery and I'm having some severe doubts.

Once I get a little more removed from the operation I will post some pics. I've got day 1, 3, and 5 photographed.

Offline AUSTIN

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In another post u mentioned that u were a c cup. I'm curious about how old r u, what was ur weight before the op, and what is ur body shape. The reasons I'm asking is that I'm a big guy (ie. fat) and I do have the c cup too (maybe even a d or something  :-[ ) and I'm having the surgery on the 18th of July.

I feel from ur post that u might be a big guy like me, I have been looking at the threads here and haven't really seen a severe case (8 or 9 on a scale of 1 to 10).

Keep us posted plz.

Offline exonym

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I am 6'5" and 290 pounds. I think I was probably closer to a B, but they were certainly a handful. The surgeon took out almost 2 liters of fat...

One week later, still no significant change in size. I still have a handful. Something interesting that happened is that my breast tissue started to harden... thinking that it was scar tissue and that it probably should be massaged to break it up, I called the surgeon and he said that this, too was normal and that it will get hard before it softens and goes down to normal size.

Also, one of my nipples has started to come off. It's basically an open sore right now and I'm treating it with peroxide and neosporin. Don't know what caused it, but the doctor said not to worry.

So far, I'm pissed. I know it takes time, but I seem to be getting worse, not better. Time will tell I suppose, and I'll keep everyone updated.

Pics coming soon.

Offline jones357

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I am 6'5" and 290 pounds. I think I was probably closer to a B, but they were certainly a handful. The surgeon took out almost 2 liters of fat...

One week later, still no significant change in size. I still have a handful. Something interesting that happened is that my breast tissue started to harden... thinking that it was scar tissue and that it probably should be massaged to break it up, I called the surgeon and he said that this, too was normal and that it will get hard before it softens and goes down to normal size.

Also, one of my nipples has started to come off. It's basically an open sore right now and I'm treating it with peroxide and neosporin. Don't know what caused it, but the doctor said not to worry.

So far, I'm pissed. I know it takes time, but I seem to be getting worse, not better. Time will tell I suppose, and I'll keep everyone updated.

Pics coming soon.

Rewind.  Your nipple is coming off?  did you getthem completely removed and replaced, or what?  

You sound "football big" is that hw you would describe yourself?  Or are you a little more chubby then built? I hate to ask you like that, but you have been pretty open.  When will you post pics?  I have my op on Wednesday and I am in your range of size, so I would really like to see your results before my day.

Offline exonym

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Due to my size, you could call me football big. I look like a former linebacker that's developed a gut; I've got real broad shoulders and thick bones.

Based on my bone density, my ideal weight is 230.

As for the nipple - I didn't have those messed with. The only thing is that's where they did the incision, but the areola is not effected: just the nipple itself. I dunno what's going on with it, but it looks WEIRD. Doc says to just keep it clean and put ointment on it, so we'll see about the result.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2006, 08:13:35 AM by exonym »

Offline AUSTIN

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Do u think its was worth it after all of this, dead nipples and "fallin off", surgery, pain, money?

Ur opinion really matters as my surgery is due mid July, let me know.

Another thing, did the surgery leave a big scar, or is it expected to?

In my case, this is what I was promised a big scar across the chest.  ???

Offline AUSTIN

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dude, where r uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Offline jones357

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dude, where r uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Send him a PM. I emailed him and he emailed me back yesterday.  He might not be tracking this thread anymore.  He seems to be doing a lot better now.  I am a big guy too, but I would say an A cup or less. I had my surgery a few days back, and I think it went well.  As you will find out on this site. You really can't tell how things are going for a while.  I am heavier now than b4 the surgery.  I am so puffy, that I feel like  can't let my arms all the way down.  I don't even like to take my shirt off to shower, because I look like I was in a car crash.  So,  it is better to find someone who is 3, 4 or even 12 months out to see how they feel.  I think Grampa Bambu was a big dude, maybe search on his trails.  He also seems to be very willing to help.

Offline exonym

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Things have gotten a lot better, and yes it's absolutely worth it. The pain has been minimal, just a lot of inconvenience. Do the surgery if you can afford it; I don't regret it afteer 17 days, and I'm sure that as time goes on it will continue to look better.

Offline AUSTIN

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exonym, thank u for ur reply, that's assuring man

Thank u Jones 4 ur reply.


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