Author Topic: is swelling always present post op ?  (Read 1790 times)

Offline daves123

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Hi there, just had excision and lipo 3 days ago on a moderate-average case of male breast enlargement.
Will there always be temporary swelling for the first few weeks/months after an operation ?
Is this totally normal ?


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Yes, your body went through hell! Have you ever got your finger in a car door, or hit your hand real hard with a hammer? If not, this is worse and takes time to heal, be patiant!

Offline Paa_Paw

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We are all different. What Hammer said is true. but how much we swell and how long it takes to go down is individual. One person may barely notice while another person will inflate like a balloon.
One person may have the swelling diminish quickly while another might take months. We all heal at our own rate. I am one of those fortunate enough to heal quickly. The downside of this is that I have raised scars that take years to soften and flatten out.
Grandpa Dan

Offline blueinokc

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Mine was swollen and still is a bit 7 weeks post op. Just be sure to massage it if it is a hard bruise. Not to were it hurts though.


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