I have been a Gynecomastia sufferer for almost 7 years and, on Thursday 29th Jan, went into to hospital for my surgery.
I completely understand that it has only been 3 days since I had the surgery, and that these things can take many weeks or months to heal. However, I was hoping to have your thoughts on the work thats been done.
The reason that I ask this so soon is that the two sides look completely different. My left side is pretty natural looking already (despite it only being 3 days) but my right is not. My right side, at first glance, looks to have a crater deformity. I am not sure wheter this is an actual 'crater' due to the surgery being ill performed or whether it just looks like a crater because of the muscle/tissue, at the top of my chest, being swollen. If this is the case then when the swelling at he top of my chest goes down then the rest of the chest will maybe (hopefully) curve out, then back in more naturally (like the left side already does). However, if it is not simply swollen tissue, then the chest will always curve out, then in, then out, then back in again. If this is the case, is there any chance of this filling out over time?
This may seem like such a small problem to a few people out there (especially to those who are still living with the problem, or to those who have have very back surgery), but after living with Gynecomastia for 7 years, and going through all the hopital visits, doctors appointments, and the surgery, it is a very big deal to me. It is noticble through a tshirt and jumper.
I have attached pictures. There are one or two pre-op however, as the size of my chest changed day to day (depending on how puffy my nipples were) they don't look too bad in the photo. I can assure you they did get worse.
Again, I know it's extremely early days in terms of recovery but one side looks good and the other not so good. Please please please have a look and give me your personal opinion.
Thank you.