Author Topic: when do sutures reabsorb????  (Read 4186 times)

Offline Raym

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I had a surgery in both sides 8 weeks ago. The surgery was with lipo and glands removal. In one side (the left one), a big crater was formed. 8 weeks later the crater is smaller but I think that a fat grafting will be needed.

However, I was very happy with the other nipple (the right one). The surgeon used vicryl and he sutured from inside to outside. All was ok because nothing was visible but there was a hard mass in the nipple bottom. However, I think the sutures would be reabsorbed yet but there are still under the nipple. The surgeon said that the sutures will be dissolved in one month.

These sutures make a hard mass and I don't know how much time will be necessary to disappear neither I don't know if them never will dissolve.

thanks for any opinion

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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There are many types of absorbable sutures -- each one has different strengths and will reabsorb at different times.

Vicryl absorbs within 4-6 weeks.

What you are feeling is probably NOT the sutures but rather the healing scar tissue of the wound.  That scar tissue should slowly resolve over time -- or, you may need a shot of kenalog to soften it.  I would give it 4-6 months to heal by itself before considering any treatment.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline Raym

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I'm a little afraid because I have discovered that my problem is not a question of sutures neither of scar. It's gynecomastia that haven't been well removed.

It is a little lump just under the nipple. It doesn't extend out of the aureole. It's very little, no more than 0.5 cm. It is very visible very near the surface.

I have told this to my surgeon but he saids that it is very dangerous to extirpate because it is very near the surface and the aureole could be damaged if it is removed. He said that he didn't removed it to avoid damage the aureole because this lump could be glued inside to the aureole.

Is this true?  I think that my situation not would be special and perhaps my surgeon is able to remove this little lump.

Thanks in advance for any opinion

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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I don't buy the story.

Your surgeon is the only person who would know how much gland tissue he removed.  If he erred on the side of caution and left a bit too much, then it should be possible to remove it without damage to the areola.  If he did dstisfactorily remove all the gland tissue, then what you are felling MAY be scar tissue.  This could respond to a simple kenalog injection.

Suggest you have a real candid, heart to heart talk with your surgeon.

Dr Jacobs

Offline Raym

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that`s funny...candid talk... It sounds like a joke.

The problem is that my surgeon removed the gland or fatty tisue but too depth and he left a little lump near the aureole surface because he said that if this little grain would be removed then the aureole could be damaged.

To have the "real candid" talk with him I need to know it this is true and how much time is needed to do the revision. There are two months ago from the first surgery. The problem is that if too much time is left I suspect the little gynecomastia is gonna growth again and then I would be more difficult to remove. Now perhaps only a local anesthesia is needed with no more than 2 or 3 suture points. The question is to convince my surgeon.

thank you again.

Offline Raym

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Please, there is a question I wanted to know.

How much time is needed after the first surgery to do a revision? It had only passed two months.

In my case a little gyne was left under the nipple. I understand that several months must past before a revision to assure a good healing but I also understand that my gyne probably is gonna grow and if it grows it would be more difficult to remove.  

This is a difficult decision but, could be 3 or 4 months enough time to remove my little lump under the nipple or it is necessary much more time?

Edit:  I feel that really my little gyne lump is very near to the surface. It is easily visible down the skin and it is prominent. Perhaps, it is true that it will be difficult to remove without damage the aureole. It seems more a dermatologic problem than a gyne problem. I'm a little afraid because the lumps on the skin normally are not a good thing.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2009, 05:31:16 AM by Raym »


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