Author Topic: Will one of the Doctors please answer this question for me.  (Read 3098 times)

Offline dukalian

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I had surgery on 12/26 it was lipo and assisted lipo. My doctor told me that the assisted lipo will break up the tissue and he injected me with fluid to somehow dissolve the tissue. Well a few days after the lipo my chest formed really hard golf ball and a half size lumps. My doctor said that's good, because the hardness in my chest will shrink. Now over 3 months later my chest is still hard and hasn't shrunk any. I made a follow up appointment with him the other day and he says, trust him in 3 more months it will shrink most of the way.
Right now my chest looks like I have 2 big knots sitting on my chest and while it is smaller than the original size (all around the lumps), it's hard and won't compress even with a compression garment so it's harder to hide.
Do you think my doctor is right and it will eventually go down? What is your advice for me, I don't really have the money but I'm thinking I may try to get the excision surgery that I hear about on this board.
I wish I had saw this board before my surgery.

Please help me, Thanks.

Offline KryptoKnight

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If it doesn't go down in 3 ask for a revision unless he's not really a gyne PS then I would go with someone who knows what they're doing.

Offline dukalian

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What is a revision? Is it just another surgery? I'm just so ready to be rid of this issue I'm willing to pay a doctor with a proven track record to redo it correctly.

Offline theguy

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I'm not a doc but I think they inject the scar tissue, that's what I'm assuming it is anyway, with some kind of steroid (kenalog sp?) or something like that.  That will take care of it.  Dr. Bermant has a killer website on virtually anything related to plastic surgery.  I would check out his website.  Also, this site has LOTS of personal stories, etc. about scar tissue.  If it is tissue, I believe it will eventually heal itself.  I had surgery in Feb. and I have scar tissue still as well.  It's healing up and my doc said it will go away.  I wouldn't get too worried about this.  Plus, I'm sure your doc knows what's up.

Offline The_G0rn

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Golf ball sized lumps?  That sounds unusual.  Perhaps you could post a photo to help us understand what you are talking about.  It sounds like there is definitely some gland left in there.

If your doctor says it will go down then I guess there is some hope.  But history tells us that not many people on this board have been happy with lipo only.

Revision surgery just means another operation to fix the problem that wasn't fixed by the first operation - (of the same procedure of course).
Surgery done 18th March 2008

Offline dran0max

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i have the same problem as you do, and had lipo only and i wont lie im pretty pissed about it much like you must be.... I have also thought about going to another surgeon to get this fixed, but my surgeon told me that it will go down just be patient, but its tough because like most people i was expecting results alot fast than they are coming.... I am going to wait and see what happens, but could you please keep me up to date with how everything is going because i am only 8 weeks along and it doesnt look like its going to get better anytime soon....


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